
Effective Baseball Betting strategies.

by Guest62887  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am looking for some of the best Effective Baseball Betting strategies and tips, that have yielded positive Baseball Betting results. Please help me in this regard.




  1. When you’re betting on baseball there is so much to consider and there are so many patterns that develop amongst wagers in this sport that it’s hard to keep up with. I want to show you some of the factors you should consider when betting on the run lines on baseball games. If you don’t already know a run line wager is when you choose the favorite to win by -1.5 or the underdog not to lose by +1.5. There are certain betting angles that you can look at when analyzing each game and we’re going to look at them.

    • A division rivalry game is always going to be a fierce battle on the baseball field and most of the time these games are real close. The value in division games is the underdog because since the rivalry will heat up in most games they will remain close.

    • When there is a motivated team for whatever reason it might be playing against an unmotivated team the value is in the motivated team. Although you’ll be betting on the favorite in this game it’s worth laying the points because you’ll see a high percentage of wins from motivated teams. Whether there motivated because there in a playoff race, first place race or whatever other reason if you can find a motivated team playing a struggling team take advantage of it.

    • Baseball has seen a lot less runs scored over the past few seasons and thus many games are seeing much lower game totals. Look for value in games with either a low over/under or a high over/under and take advantage of them. I usually always bet under on game totals of 10.5 or more due to the percentages. If the game is lower then I need to look at the pitchers and offence for the two teams to make my decision. Also look at previous games from both teams and see what the final score was in them.

    • If you can find an over-achieving underdog playing against a struggling favorite then lock in the underdog bet as soon as you can. You won’t be able to find these games often, but they do happen, so look for them and bet big on these games. Underdogs are always strong bets, but when there playing a struggling favorite it makes the bet even juicer.

    • When you can find strong offenses that have been scoring runs every game on a consistent basis playing against a pitcher with a high ERA then bet on the team with the offence. These games can also be good for betting on team totals because generally a bad pitcher against a clicking offense spells lots of runs for one team.

    There are so many different factors and betting angles that you need to look at when betting on baseball, but the more you research the more you should win. Once you become familiar with the pitchers, players and teams you should be able to handicap games right as you see them. When you first start you’ll need to spend more time doing research, but it will all be worth it once you start making some money.

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