
Effective methods of modifying Assignments for Students with A learning disability?

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Effective methods of modifying Assignments for Students with A learning disability?




  1. it depends on the learning disability and what the student's IEP may be giving them more time, or fewer questions...there are a number of approaches...some students need things read to them while some have to answer verbally...

  2. I agree with the other answers- 100% depends on their IEP.  A great website to visit is intervention central, they have several interventions for any subject area.

  3. Depends on the disability, like the others have said.  For students who have difficulties with reading or writing, giving a test orally may be a solution.  As far as teaching information to a group of students, all with different disabilities, you would want to come at the info from all angles, such as introducing it verbally, in writing, with pictures, in ways that the students can use their hands, etc.  That way, you would (hopefully) hit everyone's strong point somehow.  You can modify "regular" assignments like this, as well.  Maybe have students "teach" the information to a class, instead of writing a long paper, or have them draw a schematic of the information, instead of a bunch of dry questions.

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