
Effective strategies in teaching?

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a staff development manager writes on a new staff member's yearly evaluation that she needs to improve her teaching skills... her teaching needs to be more organized and clear, and she must express more enthusiasm in classes..

a. where can this new educator go for help?

b. where resources are available to help her?

if you were asked to help her, how owuld you begin?




  1. You can go to Mychal Wynns's website at Mr. Wynn is an expert in such matters. He has written nuumerous books on the subject of education.

    Mychal Wynn:

    Mychal Wynn is one of the world's premiere authorities on Black male achievement, school improvement planning, closing the achievement gap, and college planning.

    A first generation college graduate, he and his wife created a college-bound plan that resulted in their older son's acceptance into Amherst College, the country's top-ranked liberal arts college. Their 14-year-old son is working his plan to be accepted into his top-choice schools, "Yale, Morehouse, and MIT."

    While there are no guarantees, armed with the right plan, top-ranked colleges are within the reach of any student.

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