
Effective way to HELP stop green houses gases.. shut down ford and GM plants also any other vehicle production

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so what if it takes away jobs dont you think this planet is worth more then that? i seen GMC truck dodge and ford getting bigger and bigger.. why do people need such a big thing? YOU DONT! all the money they use for production on then things that pump pure carbon into the air could go into production of Energy efficient cars and truck.. then with the production you would have your jobs back dont you think?




  1. there is no way to stop it. even if we stop all human activities including that vehicle production, it will continue still. we can never make a thing without a waste product. we are just making our lives miserable if we do that.

  2. or you could convince them to build better cars instead of the gas guzzlers they are currently making.

    leucippus fibonacci in the past CO2 followed temperatures because oceans emit CO2 when heated. this was only broken when massive amounts of fossil greenhouse gasses (in this case CO2) were released and CO2 caused warming until weathering could remove it. this caused warming of the planet and in many cases mass extinctions. now where do you think all that excess CO2 is coming from? and dose that sound familiar at all?

  3. Or we could turn off all the volcano's on the planet. How about getting rid of all the cattle, even the one's in India. That would go over real well.

  4. Right said.. you  should be working with Al-Gore !!

    He needs someone to take care of environment & global warming !! You will be highly paid- trust me !!

  5. when we make as much pollution as china i will agree with you until then stop talking rubbish. why dont you go and bug the countries who really are at fault?

    and cattle produce more methane gases than anything else are they next on your hit list?

  6. Why not get the world's cleanest car that runs on compressed air and should be for sale next year.

  7. Hi Olsen Tweens!

    I see you woke up at the crack of noon and ate too much avocado body balm!  Bleeacchh!

    For a nation to survive it must be able to build ships, computers,  aircraft, and vehicles.  Period!

  8. if most of the people will renounce to use big cars/trucks for dayly transportation, the world would be a better place. but when theyr attitude is like: i can afford to spent 3 times more for gas that he would spent for a regular european car....there is nothing you can do.

  9. i dont want Ford to shut down!my daddy works for Ford!i think peoples pay happens to mean ALOT!would about if you worked for one of those companys?how would you feel if someone came in and told you your fired cuz some person wants to save the planet!

    srry i dont mean to sound rude.......but just trust God to take care of the planet.its His.its nice that you want to save the world but it will be ok.

  10. Even the chart in Gore's book and documentary DVD concurs with numerous research reports that the CO2 cycle lags the temperature cycle by as much as 900 years.

    If CO2 caused global warming... the temperature cycle would lag the CO2 cycle... not vise-verse

    OOPS... There's an inconvenient truth for ya!

    Your draconian solution demonstrates the ominous dangerous parallels of group think run-a-muck... even when abstaining from the koolaid.

  11. Anyone who says "so what if it takes away jobs" is an arrogant, ignorant, jerk.

    If you think daddy can just go work someplace else, you are WRONG. Daddy will find ALL the other jobs in the country already taken but the other millions of people who lost their jobs too and he will just have to rob grocery stores to get enough food to feed his kids.

  12. Looks like your English teacher spends more time peddling anti-American/Environmentalist propaganda than teaching proper English composition/grammar skills.  

    And why are you only going after American automakers?  Nearly every major foreign automaker has at least one production plant in America.  Why don't you bash them too?

    That's what propaganda does.  It makes you ignorant.  I suggest you lay off the Kool-aid.

  13. Believe it or not, a well tuned car will emit less carbons than the average propane grill. The key is "Well tuned".  If you have ever been to a 3rd world country, they are causing more than 35%  of the emissions because they run a poor grade of fuel in their vehicles. And by the way, cars now emit less than they did even 5 years ago. Did you know that most of the major industries have gone to the same 3rd world countries to keep from paying for their pollution?

    My truck has passed emissions tests in 3 different states.

  14. You know what? I could point out how global warming is not real, but I won't. Instead I will point out that a brand new, oversized GMC truck with a thirsty V8 engine that only gets 12 miles a gallon pollutes only a fraction of what my 29 year old Subaru does, even though it gets 30+mpg.

    New cars pollute so little, anyone criticising them for their contribution to pollution is an idiot. Old cars will always pollute more, so why don't you suggest we get rid of those insead?

  15. The only way to stop green house gasses is to stop every form of human activity that required energy from fossil fuels.

    You could achieve that by closing every power station, every car factory, shut down every form of transportation (land, air and sea) and stop the use of machines in agriculture, industry, and home.

    We might as well go back to the caves, in which we lived for a million years.

    another option is to kill every human, except me, of course.

    In short, there is no magic bullet, or easy way to change the economy of the world from the use of fossil fuels to other, non fossil fuels.

  16. I wonder how old you are?  You cannot possibly be out of high school...can you?  

    First off, PLEASE, tell me EXACTLY which energy efficient truck is on the market TODAY, that will haul eight tons on hay at a whack, while pulling a one ton trailer?  Oh other thing...that truck needs to cost $1000 or less.  Not ten thousand, but ONE thousand dollars.

    Oh, you mean there isn't one, and there never will be?  Well then, I guess we will just have to keep using our 1968 Ford 3/4 ton truck.  It gets the job done, and all of the environmental manufacturing damage that truck did were done more than a generation ago (were you even born in 1968?).

    As for the Union jobs at the auto plants being "just a job," please tell me were else someone with bairly a high school education can go to work for $25 an hour?

    McDonalds?  The video store?  Payless shoes?  Where EXACTLY are you pulling these high paying jobs that support families, and provide medical insurance for their families as well as a retirement for the worker?

    Or are you saying we need to spend millions (possibly billions) re-educating, and training these workers for new high paying fields, AND that we should financially support these families AND provide medical insurance while the bread winners go back for re-training?  Oh yeah, one other thing...where exactly ARE these new high paying jobs...I'd like to know what businesses in the local auto plant areas are hiring these highly paid, skilled workers?  I've been under the serrious misconseption that there were realtively FEW well paying jobs in those please, tell us all what businesses are in those areas?

    Oh, by the way, we can grow and produce our own biofuel to run our OLD trucks right here on our cannot do that with the new vehicles, and their computer chips.

    I'd also like to know exactly how YOU contribute to being environmentally friendly?

    Good grief....I just flipped through some of the questions you have asked and answered.  You are in your 30's and restore old gas guzzling cars? Please explain what the heck is up with that??

    Frankly, people like you scare the c**p out of me.  "You" keep getting stupid laws passed which make it more and more difficult for small farmers like myself.

    About that Camero you husbands old Camero got 28 mpg.  So what kind of millage is your old Camero getting?  "Funny" how those old vehicles get such great millage, isn't it?  Our 1968 3/4 ton Ford pickup truck gets 14, when it's not pulling anything.

    My 1991 Merc Sable gets 36 mpg.  Why on earth would I "upgrade" to something that gets less millage, and I'm going to be making payments on for the next 5 years?

    You obviously know something about vehicles...are you being serrious when you ask this question?


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

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