
Effects of Laughing Gas

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Last time I had laughing gas during a knee surgery I hated it. The whole room was spinning then everything just froze and it felt like I died...I felt dead for what seemed like forever! That was before they actually put me to sleep, I couldn't blink, move, etc. I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow morning and I have requested for them not to use laughing gas (after all they are going to put me to sleep,) but they insisted and said they have to use it. They said that laughing gas doesn't do that to a person and maybe when I had my knee surgery they had other stuff mixed in with the laughing gas and that is what caused those effects. Do you know if dentist laughing gas is weaker than the kind at a hospital. Do they add stuff to the hospital kind? Feel free to let explain your crazy laughing gas experiences...I'm just nervous is all.




  1. When I had mine out it wasn't like that. They gave me an IV and the gas, and i just went off...and don't remember anything.

    I've had surgery in the hospital too and it was the same way.

    No one can make you take something you don't want. The IV is plenty enough to knock you out. Ask them if there is any other alternative. If you really don't want it, refuse it and go to another oral surgeon. You are in control of your body.

  2. I agree, don't take anything you don't want to.  There are always alternatives and you don't need to justify your desire to use one of those alternatives.  

    And no, I did not have that experience with laughing gas, but everyone is sensitive to different things and one person's experience will not be the next's.

  3. The laughing gas at the dentist will be the same kind as at the hospital.  The difference though is you will be breathing through your mouth at the same time.

    I had it years ago and it immediatly put me asleep.

    At the hospital they probably gave you something by IV to sedate you, and then gave you a muscle relaxant, which will paralyze your muscles as they were putting you to sleep.

    The dental office may give you an IV, but they will not use a muscle relaxant, as they have to put a tube down your throat, and they are not equiped to do that.

    You can still refuse the laughing gas tomorrow.  They cannot do anything against your will unless you are a minor and a parent or legal guardian as authorized it

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