
Effects of Raspberry Tea?

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I am 25 wks and was talking to a relative yesterday, who is a bit of a hippie, she says that I should take/drink raspberry tea towards the end of my pregnancy - in order to lessen the pain and ease the birth.

Does anyone know how safe it is? Are there any side-effects?

When exactly should I take it - would the last 4wks be enough?




  1. Raspberry leaf tea  contains a uterine tonic and, taken daily in the last six to eight weeks of pregnancy, it helps to prepare the uterine muscles for labour and thereby ease the process of childbirth. It is very important not to use raspberry leaves until the last two months of pregnancy because of their stimulating effect on the uterus. Start with one cup of tea a day or one tablet and build up gradually to a maximum of four cups of tea or tablets daily. The tea can be sipped freely during labour, too.

    In a study carried out in Sydney, Australia, 192 first-time mums were given at random either a 1.2g raspberry leaf tablet or a placebo twice a day from 32 weeks of pregnancy. The herb had no harmful effects on mother or baby, and those women who had taken raspberry leaf tablets were found to have a shorter second stage of labour and a lower rate of forceps delivery (19.3 per cent versus 30.4 per cent). However, far more research is needed to confirm these results.

  2. well raspberry leaf tea it really work i just had my friend to drink that and black and blue chosch tea to get her labor going and she had her baby the next day  she walked to on top of all that  

  3. My mother used to make me drink raspberry tea when I was on my period because it supposed to help with cramps. It seemed to relief them a little but not entirely- I had really bad cramps my first couple of periods. I suppose it could help with pregnancy as well- its worth a shot, its just tea, nothing unusual in it.


    ^^^ that link is very helpful.

      I'm also drinking raspberry leaf tea as seeing as there are no side effects nor harmful effects to baby, even in the slightest case it makes labour easier, i'm having a go!

    I'v also heard that it can reduce the possibility of going well overdue. As i went 2 weeks over with my first, I'm keen to avoid!

  5. There are no side effects with drinking it, it is 100% safe, and you can drink it at anytime.

    It helps ease my morning sickness and pains, I've drunk it all nine months with my daughter and up to now with my son (35 weeks 2 days)

    I'm actually drinking a cup right now.

    I don't know if it eases child birth but I did only push for 45 minutes with my daughter.

  6. Tea's work in natural ways. What do you prefer, taking chemicals to make your self feel better or natural(enjoyable) ways? I'm no hippie, far from it, but I do believe in some of the old fashion ways as I've seen the work. As for the raspberry tea, it is packed with vitamins so it can only do more good then harm. Google it!

  7. i heard raspberry leaf tea worked too. i havent tried it yet. im 37 w pregnant and dialated to 3. i have been told to try it out, to me it sounds silly that tea out of all things would work.

  8. Raspberry leaf tea helps to tone the uterine muscles.  Apparently it may make your contractions more efficient, and thus a quicker labor.

    It does indeed help with menstrual cramps, probably for the same reason, and I have heard from women who drink it that they have shorter periods.

  9. generally it is best to start drinking raspberry leaf tea in the last 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. i believe it makes your uterus more efficient when it comes to labor as its benefit is toning the uterus. it could ease the pain, but it is more to get the uterus ready to expel the baby, and would likely make labor quicker and easier...not necessarily less painful. 4 weeks before your due date is better than nothing at all...and it tastes good, so what would it hurt?

    i've read differing beliefs on the safety of raspberry leaf tea throughout the whole pregnancy and from what i've read i feel its better to wait until the end of pregnancy than drink it all the way through.

  10. I drank it starting 2 weeks before my due date. I don't know if it was that or the blue and black cohosh I took, but my natural labor was smooth and easy (for labor, anyway). Just don't start it too early as its effect is powerful and you don't want to jump start labor.

    Raspberry leaf tea is great for toning up your uterus after the birth. Good luck!

  11. Raspberry tea is supposed to help start contractions however I drank it daily with no luck.

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