
Effects of Steroids..?

by  |  earlier

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first can i just say that this question is totally hypothetical.

If a contender of some sport were to take steroids BEFORE a contest/match/whatever, and stopped before it actually begun, like a few days, or week, idk, would the added strenght or stamina (or whatever it is that steroids gve you) still remain but not show up on a drugs test?

Also, is it posible for a steroids user to not get caught at a drugs test?

Does long term steroid use alter your bones (structure) in some way like cocaine does to your nose?

thanks for every answer!




  1. long term HGH use alters bone structure.

    Depending on the drug it could be out of your system in 2 weeks or as short as 8 hours.

    And yes you could get off in time to prevent a positive drug test, but anything strong enough or long acting enough to give lasting benefits will require a pct or you will have a hormone rebound crash.

    Youd do better to cycle, then come off like 2 months before your event, run a month of pct, and a month of no drugs at all to clear out for the drug tests.

    Youd keep the muscle your own hormone rates can support, and even some that you cant support for very long, youd lose this muscle soon if its above your genetic potential.

    But the strength and recovery effects of the steroids would not carry over once out of your system.

    Things like Anavar, and other weak steroids give very clean, lean gains that are easy to maintain once off cycle, and dont generally cause much natural test shutdown.

  2. steroids does irreversible damage to the bone structure and nervous system among many others.

    It stays in the system for quite some time and can be detected if the test are specifically looking for the steroids.  

    Stopping steroids weeks before contending may or may not help, depends on the steroids, but most effects are lost.

  3. Steroids remain in the bloodstream at elevated levels for a period of months and also they artificial ones are with the exception of HGH  different from the natural ones and can be detected  up to 3 months from stopping depending on the substance taken.

    Steroids cause changes in skin,bones s*x organs and liver and heart in both sexes so detection of long term historic usage is possible by a thorough examination using MRI or CAT scans.

    the only 2 that are difficult to detect is HGH (rapidly used) and  supplementing your own blood Whit your own haemoglobin.

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