
Effects of beer on 14 year old?

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Hello. I'm 14 and going into high school this year. Recently some of my friends have been talking about drinking and have apparently been drunk multiple times. While they have invited me i have managed to avoid it and plan on keeping this up but i am still curious. Is one night of getting wasted that bad for someone our age? Also please don't give me the whole you're going to get addicted so that's the bad part stuff becasue im seriously not planning on doing it i just want to know.

Thanks in advance




  1. do it

    i do it

    nothings ever good for me

    so **** it all

  2. honestly its normal for people your age. Im 15 and the first time i got wasted was when i was 13.

    All you have to do is be smart with your drink, yes you cand get **** faced all you want, but dont be stupid and walk around town while/after drinking, DONT GO HOME DRUNK!!! (yes i have learned that the hard way unfortunatly) and yeah you should get my point by now

  3. dont be a loser beer makes you feel good and makes you more confident and cool

    i started drinking at 13

  4. It is illegal, but you already know that. In all seriousness, one night of booze is not likely to have any effects other than perhaps causing you to behave in ways you would normally regret, lose your memory of what happened that night, make you very sick the next day, and kill off a few brain cells. And trust me that it is difficult to avoid drinking too much at first. It clouds your judgment, and after you have hit what should be your limit, it makes you think you can handle some more. Most people learn to not repeat this mistake after either a very embarrassing moment, or a morning where every bit of light or sound makes you feel like your head is about to explode.

    You already know that there is no real benefit, and seem aware of your friends' poor judgment, so hopefully this will be enough to end your curiosity.

  5. Hi

    Its not bed not good just when you think you are ready try it and you will know the answer if its good or bed.


  6. If you drink in moderation, probably not much.  However, the more you drink, the more you get dehydrated (which is bad for athletic performance), the harder it will be to keep from gaining weight (since alcohol contains Calories), and your body's ability to handle other toxins will be reduced.

    And that's ignoring the social consequences of heavy drinking, which I'm sure you've had your ear talked off about already.

  7. Simple answer alcohol is a drug. Drugs change you and ur personality. There is always the thing to consider of what if u get caught with alcohol in ur system. What kind of trouble would u b in legally in addition to ur parents?

  8. nothin...

    haha its good for you

    plus you probably wont be able to drink much if you havent before..lightweight haha

    come on you gotta live sometime

  9. I have fourteen yr old daughter and we discuss everything; including drinking alcohol, I am not going to tell u about becoming an alcoholic; however, bad things can happen even for first and only time and I have experienced it first hand with my friend son; use your imagination and think about what can happen.

    I share a taste of wine with my daughter at dinner and discuss why I let them try it and how it taste with the food; that's it so they understand curiousity is not needed as they get older!   The feeling of being wasted and barfing isn't as cool as u think.

    This is what I tell my daughters be a "leader not a follower" Remember to respect who u are!


    a cool dad

  10. just make sure the people you're drinking with aren't completely stupid.  and if ur doing this without parental consent, have a good alibi and cover story.  if u get nauseous, try laying down on ur left side, and please don't drink and drive.  lol.

  11. Drinking is bad for you no matter what your age.  One night shouldn't do any damage but don't make a habit out of it.  Also, if you do decide to drink, pace yourself, you don't want to puke or wake up the next day hung over, or worst case scenario, end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning.  Whatever you do, just be careful and use your head and keep an eye on your friends so they don't do anything stupid.  One more thing, don't fall victim to peer pressure.  

  12. oi it wont do **** to yu drinking is fkn good for yu  

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