
Effects of drag on a bullet over time

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I am trying to figure out a formula or at least a way to calculate the speed of a bullet over a certain distance. Simply put I am trying to compare my hand loads to commercial grade ammunition, as well as measure the speed of the bullet over certain distances to gage where i'm at. Any help would be great. Thanx





  1. as stated, there is software that can calculate this.

    You simply take any spitzer bullet, input the weight of the bullet and the diameter of the bullet to calcuate it's ballistic co-efficeint.  This is a number that represents how well or poorly it cuts through the air.

    Then you plug in the initial velocity of the round, and the ballistics program will calculate and graph the bullet's velocity as well as graph it's bullet drop due to gravity and time in flight.

    However, drag is going to be a set factor, all you need to do is compare your INITIAL velocity to published muzzle velocity of factory ammo using the same bullet, so no need to do any calculations at all.

  2. There is software available for the purpose, but it requires

    the initial velocity, bullet weight, and drag profile.

    Your best bet for your stated aims:

    Buy a "Chrony" - about $90.

    Comparing muzzel velocities, and getting the range within which

    they vary is generally enough to 'Vet' a handload.

    (If you're careful, and can shoot well from a rest,

    you can set it up down-range and record

    velocities there as well.)

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