
Effects of drinking still present a week later?

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A week ago now, I returned from a week long holiday where I drank every night and especially the last 2 nights drank excessively. Now, a week later, i still feel drunkish: i.e. lathargic, sleepy and just generally "slower" than previously.

Do you think I'm still recovering from my excessive drinking?, could there still be alcohol in my blood? or do you think it could just be unrelated? is it serious/ should i see a doctor?, I'm getting a bit worried and stressed

Many thanks




  1. you've probably picked up a bug from somewhere.  i doubt it's alcohol after all this time.  i wouldn't panic, it's probably a simple viral thing, but go to the doctor anyway just to make sure.

  2. Jetlag? alcohol poisoining?  It could be a number of things, but i would still see a dotor, because  the beating you inflicted on yourself, could have affected your immune system, which caused you to catch a bug from abroad! Binge drinking, is very harmful to the body, believe it or not,a binge drinker is more harmful  than a daily alcoholic!


  3. See a doctor sir and possibly lay off the excessive drinking.  

  4. There wont be any alcohol left in your blood now.

    However, your body is still recovering from the massive amounts of alcohol youve put into it over the week.

  5. I doubt wether there is any alcohol in your system.

    Your body is just recovering from the bashing you gave it on your holiday.

    Eat some "good" food.

  6. You may just be getting sick. when you drink you immune system is lowered, therefore, you could get a cold easier.  

  7. After 48 hours alcohol has left your blood but symptoms of alcohol poisoning to the brain can remain for a week or two.

  8. Squeez full fresh lime in half filld glass and gulp. Do it after every two hours, you ll be ok after 3, 4 guzzles.

  9. see a doctor you may have damaged your liver that doesn't sound right.

  10. No it`s just normal withdrawel Symtoms.Just take some anti acid pills and you`ll be fine  

  11. If you haven't been drinking since you got home it's probably just your body recuperating from your holiday. Drink lot's of water and get plenty of rest and you will be fine in a few days. And stop worrying you will just make yourself feel worse.

    Hope this helps

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