
Effects on world money markets once a new american president is instated?

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Effects on world money markets once a new american president is instated?




  1. It has nothing to do with who sits in the White House and more to with greedy bankers selling mortgages in the Sub Prime markets. They basically loaned money to people who could never pay it back, packaged up the debt into lots of small packets and sold them on as gilt stocks when in fact, they were worthless.

  2. They'll PLUMMET once Obama Bin Laden gets elected; and the resultant World Recession will affect us all.

  3. Traditionally the markets go down after an 8 year term anywhere from 10-30 %... after the election they tend to drift down slowly as the market freezes in fear over the changeover.. then will start to recover after the new pres is sworn in.

    stock markets hate change.. so once the new president is sworn in.. it is no longer change and the markets recover.

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