
Effects to world population growth ?

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I wonder how much of an impact does such an event as in Myanmar have on our world's population growth? Will the number of lives lost due to 9/11 really have a great impact to the population growth here in the U.S.?




  1. The hurricane that hit Myanmar and killed several thousands of people at a time have a very limited and temporary impact on world population simply because the number of birth in the world per day is simply astonishing.

    According to the different web site I found -see below- there are approximately 6.5 million more people per month in the world.

    Actually, if there have been 100'000 casualties in Myanmar, it would only take a little bit more than one day to compensate for that loss.

    It's the same for the 9/11 events. In half a day the combination of births, deaths and emigration would suffice to make up for the dead.

  2. Not much.Worse is planned depopulation.


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