
Effexor and bipolar disorder without mood stabilizer affects?

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I was being treated for depression with effexor. I grabbed and threatened my wife. I also violated a restraing order she had filed after that incident. I checked myself into a mental health ward at a local hospital and they began treating me as Bipolar depressive with mood stabilizers in addition to the effexor. Has anyone else had this happen And what have your results been?




  1. the problem with mental illness, is that not everyone gets the same effects from the same medication, or the same dosage. that is why there are so many anti-psychotic drugs out there. what works for you may not work for someone else, and vise versa. most people have to try several drugs, or combinations of drugs before they find something that works for them. if your meds aren't working right away, do not get discouraged, it just takes time to find the right ones, and they will find it, so keep the faith-i hope you feel better soon.

  2. you threatened your wife? That's rude!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow!! I actually had a extremely similar situation...I went to see my first psychaitrist because I had symptoms of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. My doctor prescribed me effexor and within the first tow weeks, I was able to go days without food or sleep, and I mean I was working, going to college full-time..working out like a maniac and headbanging to Pantera at was total physical brutaility 24/7.....I got switiched medication to Zoloft because the Effexor gave me too many sexual side effects...and the switch and withdrawal from effexor was hard..anyway, it wasn't until I was hospitalized and saw a new doctor that I found I was misdiagnosed and was newly diagnosed bipolar and was but on Serzone (sp) not around anymore and Depakote ( a mood stabilizer) it was with this combination of medications that I finally after 3 years of treatment, 3 different doctors, two hospitalizations, 1 suicide attempt, and two girlfriends that I started to begin to improve.....and I improved alot....

    PS--try to ge tinto some form of therapy to go with the medications, I am not a huge fan of medications but the do work for most people, but I will die testifing to the impact therapy has had on my of luck...

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