
Effexor withdrawls?

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Im strating to take it tommorow and if it works im hopefully one day going to want to stop taking it..iv taken zoloft,and prozac and went cold turkey and i didnt even have a problem..Is this dangerous to do on drugs..what would happen if i did this with Effexor




  1. i have  friends who were on effexor, and all said the same thing, it made them sick when taking it so they stopped and felt absolutely terrible when they stopped cold turkey.  Each drug has different effects on each person.   It may work for you...may not.   I used to be on zoloft, and was on it for about 6 years, then i changed as it didnt seem to be working anymore, im on a new one atm, and it takes a while for anti depressant to work, if they do at all. I wouldnt recommend anyone to cold turkey.  I have before and it was HORRID. Better to wean off them, then try something new.  Cold turkey could lead u to feel absolutely shithouse and then u are back to where u started....thinking u need meds again.

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