
Efren Reyes, other men players vs. Women players?

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How do Efren Reyes, Francisco Bustamante, Johnny arhcer, and earl strickland compare with the women, like Allison fisher and Karen Corr? Who would likely win in a 9-ball deathmatch (not IPT eightball!)




  1. I can think of 5-6 female players that I would stake to play, individually; anyone the the world in match play. That said no way do you back a lady in tournament play at the top level.

    This is probably like the 4 min. mile though, once one lady wins a major in mixed competition several will step thru the door. Just a matter of time.



  2. Sorry the ladies would not stand a chance

    Sorry but even earl would beat them

  3. The guys would kill them, no question.  The very top women like Allison Fisher and Karen Corr are very good players, but I'd liken their skill level to someone more along the lines of Grady Matthews...Allison gave the eight to a well-known local guy named Tony Watson and beat him, but he'd definitely need a bigger spot than that from one of the top guys.  If more women played, there'd probably be a bit more competition...Think of how many men there are that play pool-- you're bound to stumble across someone with skills like Efren or Earl eventually...could be the same percentage with women, it's just a smaller actual number...does that make any sense?


    p.s. Oh, Johnny, even Earl? :)

  4. In this situation, you're pitting the very best men against the very best women.  It would probably be more competitive to put Alison and Karen up against lower ranked men.  But no, you won't see the women come even close to the aforementioned men.  It's been discussed a lot lately and I think the reasons for this have been touched upon by other answerers pretty well already.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  5. You definitely would have contests for ESPN. It would be a little lop-sided, in favor of the guys, but I think viewers would tune in just to see the great gals going up against the better guys.

    And who knows, that might be the one-in-a-million shot one of those ladies win a match.

    I'm not putting the girls down, it's just, to date, not even the best of these ladies have won a 'big" mixed tournament.

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