
Egg Dropping Expirement.?

by  |  earlier

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What would you use if you had your egg fall off a 45 ft building? && you could use anything as long as the box is a 6x6x6 in box?




  1. cotton!

  2. suspend the egg in a nylon stocking (like a sling) in the box

  3. 1. do you HAVE to use a 6x6x6 box or can it be smaller? try to   get it something like 4x2x2. pack the top and bottom with tissues and cotton so that its not very squishy and airy. then surround the sides with half of that packing (unless its a 6x6x6 then just have the top and bottom thicker). [the packing acts as a shock absorber.] when you drop the egg, make sure you drop it with the bottom or top (doesn't matter which) down and dont make the box spin.

    2. ive never tried this but if you get some springs (not the ones that are hard to push down, get the ones that are like the ones inside pens - easy to push). now get another piece of cardboard and put it on top. then follow the packing instructions for the first one. the springs will be untimate shock its like this (if u got confused)










    good luck! have fun! i L.O.V.E. doing this. its so fun to come up with ideas! btw the guy who answered b4 me had a rly good idea: to suspend the egg in a nylon stocking (those r rly cheap 2) YAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!!!!1!1

  4. stuff the box as much as you can with cotton balls and stuff your egg in the middle and make the seal tighlty closed.

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