
Egg White Cervical Fluid but still negative OPKS! Anyone know what's going on?

by  |  earlier

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I'm on cd 15 and have had all negative opks, and no temp rise. Last night I checked my cervical fluid (it's been sticky up to this point) and it was textbook, perfect egg white fluid! It stretched 4 inches, so we rushed to bd. ;) well, my opk was still negative today! I am so confused...I thought egg white mucus was only supposed to happen when you were super close to ovulation?? shouldn't the opk be positive by now?

please help..thanks!




  1. Just make sure your doing the OPK at the same time and usually your first urine. I think you can have several days of EWCM and it's good that you're checking that way if the opk is wrong you still might catch ovulation. Just keep doing the OPK until you see a + or a temp rise. Good Luck!

  2. My cervical fluid doesn't seem to match my ovulation scheudule either. I had my period 6 days ago and I had EWCF today! I have always been like that though and I did have a baby already. Also, I had a problem having enough fluid before ovulation so my hubby and I used lubricant for a long time. After researching most lubricants I found out that many kill sperm. So I bought a fertility friendly lubricant called Pre-Seed. We got pregnant on the second month of using it. This might be TMI but I thought you might have the same problems as I have.

  3. Oh my gosh, I feel your pain! lol I'm going through the same thing. This is my first month of trying OPK. I started testing last Thursday (CD 11) and today, CD 18, I STILL haven't gotten a positive test. Despite the fact that I've had fertile CM since Monday! The last three days, however, the second line has been showing - but not dark enough to be a positive. I have no idea what's going on. But we've just been BD every day since the end of my period and will continue all the way up to my next period.

    Good luck to you!

  4. well, they say NOT to use your first morning urine as LH is a synthesized hormone that your body produces during the day.  Also your LH surge can be SO short that you can actually miss it if your only testing once a day.  If I didn't test twice a day, I would have missed my LH surge and positive opk for the last 3 months.  I test at around 11am and then again at around 4pm, and for me, I've been getting a positive in the morning and by my 4pm test the surge is already gone!!  Best times to test are between 10am and 8pm, do not drink lots of fluid and try to hold your urine for 3-4 hours before testing.  Your temp shouldn't rise until AFTER you've ovulated, BBT charting is more a confirmation that ovulation has occurred, not that it's going to occur!

    Add::::  if you want to test a few times a day (I also start testing at about cd8) you can get cheap ovulation test strips at I got 50 test strips for $30, shipping is free and it takes 2-5 business days to arrive!!  this way it doesn't cost you a small fortune to test often to ensure you don't miss your LH surge!

  5. Sounds like you might have a yeast infection. I have never had egg white fluid, it dont think that it normal... I always though that was a sign of a yeast infection...

  6. Sometimes women haver EWCM for a few days before ovulation. Right after ovulation you become dry. I would keep testing twice a day! I'm sure it will be positive soon. Good Luck!!

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