
Egg <span title="Donation.................?">Donation....................</span>

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Hey Guys,

I ahve decided to Donate my eggs to those who cannot concieve, but the thing is I am not getting any clinic Out here (in Dubai) where i can go and have a talk with doc.....






    it is possible in Dubai

  2. Do more reaserch on the injections you will be recieving - as they have been linked with ovarian cancer...

  3. I think that you are doing a wonderful thing by seriously considering donating your eggs. Don&#039;t let any of the negative comments turn you away from doing this. You have no idea what a wonderful gift you would be giving to someone. Why aren&#039;t there more people who think about things like this.

  4. Just send her the money to her paypal account and she&#039;ll ship you the eggs asap!

  5. Did you know that there is a link to the meds used to stimulate your ovaries to over-produce eggs (they try to harvest at least twelve a pop) has a link to future ovarian cancer?

    Women die from that, you know.

    You really think it&#039;s worth it?

  6. I&#039;ll just add a question. Have you already given birth to a child? If you haven&#039;t, I&#039;d like to suggest you wait until you do.  You&#039;ll still have plenty of &#039;good eggs&#039; (hint of sarcasm, sorry-can&#039;t help myself) to donate in the future.

    I ask because I believe if you haven&#039;t, when you DO, you may suddenly realize that you&#039;ve given YOUR babies away (up to 12 at a pop) &amp; have no idea who has them or how they&#039;re being raised.  

    Hmmm. How will it feel to one day look in the face of strangers and wonder, &quot;Could that be one of my (egg donor) genetic offspring?&quot;  Yikes. I wouldn&#039;t wish that on anyone.

    Hope you carefully consider the future possibilities.

    ETA: YOU cannot help those who can&#039;t conceive BTW. They still WON&#039;T be able to conceive. They&#039;ll merely be the &quot;gestational carriers&quot; of YOUR genetic offspring parading as the &#039;natural parents&#039; of said child(ren).  

    AND you&#039;ll be aiding &amp; abetting in the deprivation of tens of thousands of children who&#039;ve lost their parents but can&#039;t find a permanent home b/c someone wants a brand new baby (instead) that you&#039;ve provided.

  7. This looks like a list of the medical clinics in Dubai. About mid-page there is a list of 5 fertility clinics. I would check at one of them, I&#039;m sure they could give you more info. I think that is a wonderful thing you are doing. I know many women who are struggling to have a baby.

    This is a bad place to ask questions like that. There are a lot of very angry, bitter people here who just want to hurt anyone who defies the notion that you need DNA to have a child be your child.

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