
Egg yolk colour?

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I'm currently writing a report on chicken eggs, and I was wondering about the colour of egg yolk... What affects the egg yolk colour? and what exactly is the "industry standard" as far as colour goes? If someone can link me to an internet site with this kind of info, that would be great.




  1. Try this site it has a lot of info and links.  You will find a ton of stuff about chickens layers and broilers and standard for eggs.

    Good Luck

  2. There aren't industry standards per se, but there are standardized egg yolk color wheels.  My co-worker actually uses them every day.

    The primary colorant in yolks are carotenoids such as lutein.  This is a well known fact in that farmers have been supplementing chicken feed for decades with lutein to give darker yellow yolks.  They do this because consumers want darker yellow egg yolks and prefer brands that consistently have them.

    Sorry I don't have an exact link, but this should give you some key words to look for.

  3. I know for a fact by raising chickens i did an experiment of egg yolk color with supermarket eggs(white) being the palest also with the least protein next was the brown store egg little darker, then the white(naturally occuring) farm raised- being free roaming orgainically raised- have a little more color and more protein then the brown farm raised and finally behold the green yes i said green or blue egg that almost have an orange color and the most protein available in an egg!

  4. Free-range chicken eggs have much darker yolks than confinement produced chicken eggs because they have so much more beta carotene as well as other nutirents like vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids. There is a GREAT article about all that at

  5. This is a good link to read up on egg yolk colors.  Cage raised chickens have pale yellow yolks, about the only kind you can get at a grocery store.  Free range chickens have a rich golden color yolks.  They get most of the color from the carotene they get from having access to greens like grass and clovers.

  6. Don't know about a site, but I raised quite a few chickens!  The yolk is yellow; the color is a result of SULPHUR.  You can discern that by allowing an egg to rot!  You will smell the sulphur!  Also, it will tarnish a silver spoon.

  7. sorry I dont have a site But i think it is Yellow! I dont know
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