
Eggs???? how long can you keep eggs?

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without them really going bad. Im talking bout the eggs that was never used still in the fridge, shell and all.




  1. i think u can keep an egg for 365 days.........................but not sure

  2. Till they float in water, place an egg in a vessel of water, if it sinks its good to eat, if it floats it is good for the bin.

  3. Eggs can keep for 1 month - only in the fridge. Otherwise, the eggs are easily spoilt because of warm temperature, but still can stand to the maximum of 3 week.

  4. Typically they are good for about two weeks sometimes a little longer, but  each carton has the expiration date printed on it.

  5. According to the USFDA, eggs are good for 4 to 5 weeks beyond the date on the carton.  Check out the link below for more info on egg safety.

  6. Egg Storage.

    While eggs will keep in your refrigerator for several weeks, it's important to note that they can lose some quality.

    A little known fact about eggs is that they can absorb odours from your refrigerator if stored in an open container, although this shouldn't be a major problem unless you're storing eggs along side opened containers of onions and garlic or other such strong smelly foods.

  7. short answer: 4-5 weeks after being packaged

    long answer:

    According to the American Egg Board ( here's your answer. This is assuming you need to know about raw eggs in their shells and not hard-boiled.

    "The oil coating which seals the shell's pores helps to prevent bacteria from entering the egg and reduces moisture loss from the egg. RAW SHELL EGGS REFRIGERATED IN THEIR CARTONS WILL KEEP FOR ABOUT 4 TO 5 WEEKS BEYOND THE PACK DATE WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT QUALITY LOSS. (The pack date is usually a number from 1 to 365 representing the day of the year starting with January 1 as 1 and ending with December 31 as 365.)"  

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