
Egypt, is this an English translation from Arab ?

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ON what basis was that country given the name called Egypt ?




  1. The local name of Egypt is "Masr". Masr is from the hebrew word Mizraim, Mizraim is a son of Ham and Ham is a Son of Noah. Mizraim moved and founded Masr.

    Egypt word originally was "Hakepetah" as the ancient egyptians used to call it and it mean "the place of god Petah", Greek when invaded egypt couldn't pronounce the word well so it turned to "Ekheptos", till it become "Egypt" by the Germanic people.

  2. the name Egypt was derived from "Ha Ka Ptah" in our native language (Egyptian Language) which refers to the greatest temple of Ptah in the Egyptian capital "Mn Nefer". Greeks pronounced it as "Aigyptus. and that's how its found in other Indo-European languages. Egypt, Egypte, Egitto, Agypyten...etc.

  3. Memphis the first capital of Egypt was called Heka Ptah which means the seat of Ptah.

    Ptah was one of the gods and was thought to be the creator of the world.

    The Greeks could not pronounce Heka Ptah well, and this name became Egyptious for them. Then it was known to be Egypt by all Europeans.

  4. yes it's called:masr

  5. Ancient Greeks were the first people who called it Egypt

  6. it comes from the word gypt which is an old translation of copt (coptic), more recently its called Egypt.

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