
Egypt Peoples, do you like Hamada Helal?

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Egypt Peoples, do you like Hamada Helal?




  1. I don't like him or his songs,

  2. I do like his songs, and I think his new movie will be a good one

  3. he is 3'albaan , miserable .

    his songs and movies dont lift me to a higher mood .

    but he is better than Tamer Hosny bec at least he isnt arrogant or proud of himself , 3'albaan.

  4. zay tamer hosny fe nazary Zebalaaaaaaaaaa

  5. I like few songs only for him as

    1- msh 7a2ool

    2- 3azza

    3- Muhammad Nabena

  6. ya3ni...I have a Syrian friend who's completely in love with him though! lol

  7. My brother calls him "el 3ayyout" :)

    I don't like to listen to his songs..

  8. i like some of his music

  9. 3ady

  10. instead that his voice type isnt soo good but he is a kind person ( I met him b4 a year)

    by the way thanxx  4 the 2 points as  I am now at level 3

  11. not much, but he's better than 90% of the people who "sing"

  12. no, but my dad and also mom likes him.

  13. I like his songs ..

  14. at his beginning i hated him!

    he was such a boy with very sad songs with a crying tone in his voice... i couldn't bear listening to him =D

    now he is much better, but as a singer not actor, although i didnt see the last movie, and I'm not going to..

  15. No, I don't listen to that garbage. Hamada helal is like country music.

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