
Egypt Section: Would you marry someone who smokes?

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Why or why not? And if you are married to one who is a smoker, how do you deal with it?




  1. NO WAY


  2. If he is worthy of my love he should think of me first. That means keeping me from having to breathe that horrible smoke! If I married someone  who was I would pray for him and keep praying for him. People dont understand how powerful prayer really is!

  3. If I smoked yes, If I did not smoke no. But if I loved them I would give them opportunities to quit before I called it quites for that.

  4. I am not a smoker so I wouldn't like to be that much close to a smoker because smokers have their very special needs which I can't cope with all the time & they care less about other ppl health  

    I have many friends that smoke & we can't meet most of the time bec. I hate smokers breathing smell & I meet them only in open areas (swiming, snorkling etc.)  

  5. No, I would not marry someone who smokes.   They would have to quit completely or I wouldnt be with them.   Second hand smoke causes lung cancer.   If you ever have kids with them then your kids could be exposed to the smoke or smoke themselves when they grow up.   Smoking is nasty, stinky and expensive.

  6. if i love him, i would marry him.

    but he would have to smoke in the balcony or outdoors .

    this rule would limit the number of cigarettes smoked .

  7. Yes if your in love with the person why should something like smoking stop you from being truely happy? I dont like smoking and think its gross but all you can do is support that person and try to get them to quit to benefit their health in the long run. I just dont think smoking is a good reason. Cheating however whould be a good reason not to marry someone.


    Am suffering from hyper sensitivity from smokes and Dust....and my body is very over reacting towards the Cigarettes smokes.....Even i Fainted lots of time due to that........

    Prefered not to be a SMOKER


  9. i prefer my spouse not to be a smoker but its not a Must

  10. sadly i already did :(

    even if he isn't a heavy smoker,

    BUT he is not allowed to smoke at home.. only in the balcony...

    its disgusting .... ewwww


    i have asthma

    i already deal with my parents smoking!

    this is a BIIIIIIIIG turn oooooooooffffffffff

  12. Am working on it to make Ahmed quit it before marriage coz i have allergy and he almost doesn't smoke when we r together.

  13. yeah!!!!!!! i smoke LOL JK no would not.

  14. i was married to one who is a smoker he is died by cancer  let your husband live his life like what he decide because u want to live your life  like what u decide

  15. if you were in love, then i guess so.

    i would make that person try to quit by:

    - getting them help

    - buying them the nicotine patches and things like that

    - keep them away from places that sell cigarettes

    - give away their lighters so they cant use them

  16. nope thats nasty

  17. watch this

    it's  great ,useful and so real  

  18. I will never intentionally marry a smoker because I may as well commit suicide or raise my stress level.  I will never be happy and will forever be irritated.  I won't be happy in my own home with the stench.  

    I did marry a light smoker once and I never knew he smoked for many years.  He knew I did not like it. He wanted to marry me so bad that he only smoked away from the home and in social settings.  I found out by accidentally seeing him with family and friends one day.  Many years have passed and he still kept it away from me.  I would have never known had I not stumbled upon it.

    In the future, if I am interested in anyone, I will asked if they smoke.  I found out that not seeing them smoke or smelling the smoke does not mean that they do not smoke.  I would prefer my partner be as healthy as possible.

  19. i would

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