
Egypt section......i need help please

by  |  earlier

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i know this is long but i really need help,im the youngest of four in my family and my sisters already married and the people who are left is me and my two brothers and im the only one in my family that prays and is the most religious one..what im trying to get at is im concerned for my oldest brother he is 21 and the other is 19 but anyways all he does is go out partying,smoking and drink an he has girlfriends all the time an all the things you could think of you couldn't imagine hes done and what im trying to ask for help is im 15 and i know hes legal of age to drink but he keeps drinking and hanging out with girls an i know for a fact this is 7aram because its harming your body and ive always told my dad why isnt he telling my brother stop drinking and come home at a decent time and my dad has gotten tired of telling him this and my dad doesnt call him anymore and he bassically lets him live how he wants and my dad wants both my brothers to take control of the car bussiness we have because my dad wants to go move to egypt someday with me an my mom because he says hes getting old and my brother thats 19 drinks a little but not really an he makes my dad proud of what hes doing,going to work my brother thats 21 that im concerned for always wants to leave work an just go out and hang with friends and my dad is trying to get them used to life with out my parents cuz there getting older and soon they will be married one day an my dad wants them to work so if he ever dies they wont be lost with out him an they make my mom do everything an if she dies one day there gonna be lost. but what im trying to say is me and my cousin talked about this one time an she always told me to talk to my oldest bro about this an ive tried an he never listens an he can see my action when i always get mad if i see a pic or know what he does i get sooo mad because its 7aram an he always has girl friends but what i dont understand is why my dad never does anything about it i never had a boy friend and nor do i mess with guys im still "clean" but my brother isnt but i need help on how to help him he doesnt listen to a 15 year old and doesnt care what my parents say but my sister says they were all like this at 15 but im the odd one i was more religious an never did alchohal an smoke but they did an the bad part is both my brothers dont know how to pray but me and my sister does.




  1. i think u should never give up

    talk to them

    give them real examples of youth who do what they do and what was thier awful end like

    try to tell him how would they feel if u did what they do

    talk to them about religon

    and how was the end of ppl like him in life and after life

    try to make them love thier religon

    and ask Allah to forgive them and let them do what is right

    plus tell ur father what they do now will be done in him or his daughter

    tell ur father that Allah will judge him for what he did to his sons

    when he left them

  2. May Allah (s.w.t) bless , protect & help you ,sweetie

    try to befriend them habibty ..

    try to guide them in a sweet "indirect" way

    don't talk to them as if giving orders & showing how mad u r of their behaviour ... as Ahmed said, that won't work out .

    Also, stick to the way you are ... don't let them ruin your life.

    i know the whole family live in America ,and unfortunately, that's the way life gets there ,esp. if there is no excellent guidance & care from the parents.

    They hang out with lots of girls, drink, smoke , etc. ...... after all, don't hate them ,......on the contrary, Love them and try to help them out ...but again ... in a sweet indirect way

    and always remember ... "Hate the sin, but don't hate the sinner".

    and noone chooses his parents ,siblings, or family --unlike friends--  those people we have to accept as they are ...... better though try to change them to the better ,if we can ........but that needs patience.

    Finally, you have to thank God for keeping you "clean" and religious ... it's not something easy ya Iman ... u know

    Always pray HIM to keep you that way & never let anyone change your heart or mind to the worse

    ~*~*~ With My Best Wishes, Dear

  3. Keep asking God to guide your brothers to the right path. Don't try to bash them all the time; it won't work. Why don't you start by teaching your brothers how to pray? I understand they are not very religious, so don't keep telling them the things they're doing is haram. They probably won't listen. Instead, try to convince them that all those wild things can eventually ruin their lives. And most importantly, stay the way you are...never let what your brothers do or say affect you. I really wish you all the best.

  4. i think if your brothers like this ....may be they have  agood friends through this friends you can talke with them i think not all there friends verey bad but at least one of them alitel bit good  

  5. Mind your own business

  6. Everyone is responsible for his actions..

  7. look dear pray in front of them red the holy quran in front of them with a sound they can hear a bit but don't tell them to do that after a while may be they will jealous and wanted to be better than you and ramadan is coming try to ask them once to pray gama3a but don't tell them directly keda 7y3nedo  

  8. Just keep doing what you are doing and don't gave up. Keep talking to them, advise them. even if they don't listen now they will one day.

    How many years our beloved prophet Mohammed (PBUH) kept telling people about Islam, even some of his companion came to Islam after several years from Da'wa.

    So don't give up and pray to Allah that one day they will be guided. You will also get alot of rewards for what you are doing even if they don't listen to you.


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