
Egypt:are you DIFFERENT now than when you were YOUNGER??

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes iam still fat and still more quiet

  2. of course

  3. yeah sure big body big nose big hair etc etc......................:D:D

  4. yes i changed a lot

  5. Of course i did! i changed a lot. I grew up, my way of viewing things has changed, i have experience now and am responsible. I traveled and seen this and that, dealt with all kinds of people and learned lots of things. All this built the character i am now.

    A whole big difference. OMG! you made me remember how much i changed,

  6. Oh very different, i'm no longer the strong confident woman i used to be. I've taken some hard knocks & picked myself up. I'm now marred & have someone else who takes some of lifes burdens from my shoulders, so that i do not always HAVE to be the strong one, i can be softer.

    I quite like being softer, lol.

  7. most characteristics stay the same but am more mature now then before

  8. yes nw um better

  9. Yes, I don't have the mentality of a 3 year old...but I wish I could view life through the eyes of a child again!  Growing up sucks!

  10. I was more calmer than now.

  11. help me to understand your question please

    are you addressing Egypt through ages and generations

    or its Egyptians who are living now?

    if i follow the first hunch i would then ask again what period "younger" covers?

    but if you  saying no i meant the other hunch i would answer you then who did not change

    mentally physically shape strength wisdom ...........

  12. Ohhh yeah

    ahah when i was little i cussed a i don't cuss.



    i see you got the questions goin



  14. i have changed a lot .

    now , im more like my mother in dealing with other females .

    im like my father in dealing with the world at large .

    i like my new self .

    im more in control of situations , more mature , more solid , more independent .

    your question made me look in the mirror ans see my new self .

  15. Very much so. I think differently about things. I act differently. I view things totally different

    I've learned lots about other people as well as myself

    i started acting more like the adults i didn't like. ;p

  16. Yes, I'm more experienced, more responsible, more confident, more independent, less shy.  

  17. Ofcourse its different and its not just us the world around us changes too so we have to adapt ourselves with it

  18. yes..

  19. i never visit egypt but inshallah i will.

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