
Egyptian God Cards Yu-Gi-Oh!?!?!?!?!?

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What are the REAL affects of the 3 Egyptian God cards?




  1. None of the gods can be affected be the effects of cards that specificly designate them as a target. Their summons are treated as special summon. you have to tribute three monsters for each of them. ra's atk/def are the respective sums of the three offered as a tribute (maju garzett). you can pay any amount of LP and increase his atk/def by that amount or 1000 LP to destroy one card. with obelisk out, offer two monsters as tribute to "raigeki" your opponent and deal 4000 damage (you can still attack!). slifer. ooh boy. 1000 atk/def for each card in your hand. (muka muka) if your opponent summons, including flip and special, in atk position, decrease its original atk by 2000. if the summoned monster's original atk is below 2000, its destroyed. same effect for a monster summoned in defense but it has to be sommuned face up. sets don't count.

  2. Slifer the Sky Dragon

    1st Ability- Gains 1000 attack and defense per card u hold in ur hand

    2nd Ability- everytime a monster is Special Summoned, Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, the monster looses 2000attack, and if it is weaker then 2000 it is automatically destroyed, set monsters dont count cause u dont know how much attack they have

    those are the only 2 abilitys for Slifer

    Obelisk The Tormentor

    1st Ability- offer one monster to destroy all ur opponents monsters

    2nd Ability- offer 2 monsters to inflict 4000 points of damage to ur opponent

    (its best to just offer 2 monsters for Obelisk, cuz u can attack after ur done the Offers)

    thats all for Obelisk

    Winged Dragon of Ra

    1st Ability-  He gains attack and defense equal the attack and defense of the monsters offered for Ra's summon (3 Blue Eyes would make a 9000 Attack Ra with 7500 defense)

    2nd Ability- He can attack as soon as he is summoned, even in the very first turn of the duel, so if u can summon Ra in the very first turn then u can just win right there

    3rd Ability- u can pay 1000 of ur own life points (in multiples of a 1000) to destroy a monster on the field(u can pay 3000 to destroy 3 monsters)

    4th Ability- u can sacrifice all ur life points but one 1 life point to give Ra any sort of a attack (if u have 5000 life points and Ra has 9000 attack, then his attack will be 13999 attack, because u leave just 1 life point for urself)

    5th Ability- u can take some of Ra's Attack and add it as ur own Life Points (gain life points from Ra's Attack power, so if Ra has 9000 Attack, u can take 4500 Attack from Ra an gain that amount as Life Points) and Ra will have 4500 Attack, but still have the same amount of Defense

    they say there is a 6th Ability...

    but it is uncomfirmed by almost every site, so i dont think its a real effect

    6th Ability- Phoenix Mode? Winged Dragon of Ra is Indestructible, he is Invincible, and cant be targeted or destroyed by a Spell, Trap or Monster Effect, every monster that battles with Ra is destroyed automatically with no lifepoint damage calculation

    well there u go, the 3 Egyptian God Cards

    Winged Dragon of Ra is the best God there is Obelisk is great tho too, but ya Ra is the best in my eyes

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