
Egyptian Ladies: Do you speak to your male friends the same way as you would with your female friends?

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Egyptian Ladies: Do you speak to your male friends the same way as you would with your female friends?




  1. I have a friends (boys and girls) and we talk in every thing but there is afew things i could not tell them about it , it is just for girls.

  2. No... i dont think i would... somethings are just ment not to be talkin about with guys..

    an secondly..i dont really have guy friends.. anyways.

  3. yes thats if they are close friends to me thats ok

  4. It depends on the guy and if we're close or not. If we're good friends then yes but if we're distant and dont bond then no I don't talk to them in the same way or about the same things that I do with my good female friends.

  5. I'm half Egyptian and I grew up around the Egyptian culture mostly. It is best for a girl not to have male friends and same thing goes for the male. In the Middle Eastern culture, they are very strict with the women. Many families would not mind if they have an open mind but that is very rare. The goal is to keep the female's reputation clean as a whistle to make her family proud and to get a good guy to propose and get married.

    Many times in Egypt girls who have guy friends will be called names that aren't very nice. But as school mates and co workers, friendship is ok as long as it stays at work or school or if you need to keep in touch outside the workplace or school it should be only for a work reason or a school related reason. I'm being as honest as I could.

    I have guy friends but my parents, especially my mother wouldn't be happy if she found out.

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