
Egyptian President decrees promotion to Marshal Al Sisi

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The defense minister of Egypt, Abdel Fatah al Sisi, is now marshal, the highest rank within the ranks of the Army of the Arab country. Interim president Adli Mansur, issued a presidential decree on Monday to promote the popular general, ultimately responsible for the coup that deposed in summer Islamist Mohamed Morsi, first president elected in the polls. Hours later, the Egyptian military leadership authorized the army chief to be present at the next presidential election, state news agency Mena.

The rise and military leaders released comes a day after Mansur lead after the presidential elections as the country awaits the most likely announcement by the Al Sisi his own presidential bid.

Promoting Al Sisi is interpreted as a highly political decision. 59 years old, the new quarterback takes only one and a half in office, and belongs to a generation of military leaders without combat experience, as was still forming when Egypt fought his last war against Israel in 1973. Also, do not forget that it was himself who appointed interim Al Sisi raïs Mansur, president of the Constitutional Court when the July 3 coup was executed.

The presidential decree is the latest in a series of moves that seem to form a choreography studied prior to the announcement of the presidential candidacy of Al Sisi. The advance of the presidential elections in the spring, has not yet finalized the exact date- forces the quarterback to make a decision quickly about his political future, which could have prompted an emergency meeting in place of the Supreme Board of Armed forces. If you take the plunge, according to the law, Al Sisi should hang his military uniform, which seems to explain the sudden rise of its decreed by Mansur range.

After the coup, the military leader categorically rejected cherish political aspirations. However, over the months, his statements became increasingly ambiguous to open the doors to his application a couple of weeks ago " at the request of the people and under the command of the army." His promotion to the highest military rank of the Egyptian Army to award a new argument promoted by cult of media personality, and have helped to create a real " sisimanÃ_a " between one part of the population. His likeness is everywhere, including some cakes bakeries in the capital.

While the press is still celebrating the demonstration of popular support for the Armed Forces in Tahrir Square last Saturday, the third anniversary of the revolution that overthrew Mubarak, the Health Ministry raised to 64 the official death toll in that bloody day. The slaughter was the result of the brutal police crackdown on opposition demonstrations by young secular revolutionaries and the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist movement which former raïs Morsi belongs. Despite having recently adopted a democratic constitution, the regression of respect for freedom is clear.

Egypt is going through a phase of acute political polarization, punctuated by periodic outbreaks of violence that have killed more than 2,000 people, mostly supporters of the Brotherhood dead during protests. Also, the Arab country is a victim of a wave of terrorist attacks against the security forces at the hands of various jihadi organizations based in the Sinai Peninsula. The most powerful is Ansar Bayt al -Maqdis (" Partisans of Jerusalem).

 Tags: AL, decrees, Egyptian, Marshal, President, promotion, Sisi


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