
Egyptian couples: Is this considered cheating to you?

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Talking to a person of the opposite s*x online and rarely on the phone while knowing that this person has feelings for you and often flirts or passes s**y comments to you while your spouse asked you not to speak to this person again.. would that be cheating?

You say you just do it for the fun of it and to kill time plus you consider this person a good friend.. is that an enough excuse? Is that normal or cheating?




  1. yes it is cheating.. plus you KNOW he has feeling for you and flirt sometimes !!!

    try to reverse the situation and how will you see it....

    and then decide....

  2. Yes, definitely cheating!

  3. Absolutely .... cheating, unfaithfulness, dishonesty, disloyalty

    i know many girls who do this .... they talk to other guys on the internet who show them affection & pass such comments every now & then

    those girls are apparently so religious & well-mannered .. ..and they are either in relation which will develop into engagement soon .... or engaged & will marry soon.

    both suck ,in my opinion.

    where are our manners and fear of God ??!!! i dunno

    sorry,i'm not talking to you in person..i'm talking in general ... i didn't mean to offend anybody...

    i'm just saying my honest opinion about all this nonsense , coz i really got sick of all that masa7'a & deception going around .... everything tends to be fake around me!!

  4. Estafty Qalbek !!

  5. If you are just friends and chat together without any further ideas or thoughts , and if this person knows that you love someone and he is just your friend, then its ok for me,

    But, in your question, I think he is not, and he doesn't respect your situation and your bf.

  6. well dear, it might not be cheating for now  but letting him flirt you, pass s**y comments and  often call might make it,ESPECIALLY you know that he has feelings for you so by letting him do those things you are making him go further... dat rare calling would be more and suddenly you'll get used to each other then you cant stop it from going further...

    I suggest you to kill time with something else not with some thing that you might regret doing it. you have a really BAD excuse that you can never use to convince your spouse if he ever knew about your talking to that guy.

    And I think your spouse love you coz he is keeping you and your marriage, and he knows that doing that woud harm you or your marriage thats why he is telling you not to do it!!!

    I hope i helped...  

  7. it is cheating bec this guy has feelings and flirts or passes s**y comments .

    it is cheating also bec the husband asked the wife not to speak to that person .

    the wife has to act properly and decently .

    her behavior is unacceptable .

  8. it's cheating  and there is no excuse  

  9. I'm American and I would consider that cheating.

    I think the majority of Americans would consider this inappropriate too. I would be very hurt if this is how my future husband would kill time. It's not normal, and it's cheating.  

  10. cheating isn't only a physical action. this what you are describing is cheating. friends don't flirt and don't give s**y comments to one another.

  11. This is cheating and is not accepted in our conservative Islamic Egyptian society.

  12. Yes, I would consider it cheating.

    The reason being that you know the person has feelings for you and yet you encourage it. Why?

    No ones feelings should be taken for granted. It is not called "fun" to mess with someone else's feelings. That is cruel.  You may like the attention, but there should be some discipline and maturity in the person who knows that the opposite s*x is interested in them. It is not correct, even for the opposite s*x to try for the married person (that is if they know they are married). Both people should take a look within themselves to see what exactly they are doing. This is not a "having fun" type of a situation. It's going to result in too many hurt feelings.

    Good Luck...and I wish you the best.

  13. yes i consider it cheating

  14. It is not very honest to say the least

  15. You might not be physically cheating or passing the same comments back to him but this is deception.  If this person is a really good friend he would stop the comments and flirting with you.  Your partner has shown is dislike to this with every right to and if you were to persist then you would be lying and showing lack of respect for him.  Egyptian or not this is wrong in any relationship how would you feel if some girl was flirting with him and you showed you didn't like this and he continued?  

  16. in our society it's considered cheating + you will sooner or later like him and flirting will turn to adultery !

    just treat ur spouse the way u like him to treat u .

    wish u a happy , peaceful life  

  17. for sure Egyptian men consider this a cheating, all Egyptian married women chat to me, never told their dear hubbies.

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