
Egyptian movies are affecting its tourism?

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Salam Alikom

I watched Hena Maysarah last week, and the movie was horrible!

I mean so much poverty in Egypt, 30,000,000 are under the poor line!!

I went to Cairo 6 years ago and it was a beautiful city, But such kind of movies will make ppl scared of visiting Egypt.

All the ppl were saying ewww Egypt is horrible after watching the movie.

So don’t u think the Egyptians shouldn’t make such movies that make a bad Image to their country?

I know the movies had a good point, but it showed that Egypt is full of homeless and bad ppl.




  1. yes u r right Sara

  2. Generally speaking, many people look at movies from different countries and incorrectly assume that it's an accurate portrait of the country/society.

    I have a friend and other people who either have no interest in going or scared to go to Egypt because of what they have seen in Egyptian movies.  I try to explain to them and shared my experience in Egypt and my brother's experience who used lived in Egypt.  However, they still go by the movies.  

    It's unfortunate, but it does happen.

  3. no. but there are movies showing how america is bad and who make them are americans ... and that in so many countries also ...

    I think egypt doesn't need a movie to say how good it is

    and also that particular movie i hate i saw some scenes of it and said that's enough . i hate movies when all the characters are just lost and not a single character  that is normal . life isn't like that ... life has good and bad . And egypt absolutely has some good things and some bad things too. and it will not help to make a movie that shows egypt just so perfect . tourists will never believe that and us too.

  4. Egyptian mummies would only affect tourism in a positive way as people want to see them.

  5. what no your worng what do you think mummys pop out  no

    tourism is the oppsite there sarce if we make it to type 1 we are type 0 we get our engery from oil and coal type 1 aslo control the weather and get there engery from there mother star

  6. ppl are not naive to be incapable to understand the difference a slum area and well-developed urban area,

    any country you visit there are places you shouldn't choose to go and you have certain time limitations for outgoings to assure your safity.

    such problems mentioned in the movie happen to be in many cities even in the US, when Hurrican Katrina invaded the area, it was shocking for some ppl here in the middle east to see such kind of poverty and homeless poeple in a country that is considered to be the most powerful one in the world.

    we can not for the sake of "tourism" to deny our problems and to not hint to them and try to illustrate it in a more shocking way so ppl would be motivated to move to help these ppl who are living in these slum areas.

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