
Egyptians: Does any of you honestly like Tamer Hosny?

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I hate his guts, sorry to sound rude but I'm just letting out!, Didn't he got jail for Bribing and holding a fake degree?




  1. Ana mish masreya (in my past life, I was though...) that's probably why I don't hate him as much as most Egyptians do because you guys know almost everything about him. Laken I love listening to his songs, one of the reasons why I like Arabic music.

  2. I hate him so much too. He ruined a whole generation and he's a horrible symbol for guys.

    I.e: in his horrible movie, Tamer w Salma. Did you see how he was harassing girls (howa dah, estamerry estamerry). Guys now-adays do the same thing, harassing girls with rude words he said in his movies.

    He disgust me.

  3. actually i luv tamer hosney :D:D his sound seems gr8 and full of emotions and his acting is gr8 2 u said answer honestly and i did :D

    @ egypty : 25eran 7ad m3aya :D:D

  4. i LOVE him

    i won't marry the guy so i don't care abt his personal life

    as an artist ..he's great


    i didn't mean u :)'s just that when i always answer these q about tamer hosny i get thumbs down :)

  5. I don't hate him...but I don't like his acting...mesh momathel asasan....

    and he is sooooo so safel we 2aleel el 2adab......7ad sm3 o3'nyt "Eskoti" elly fel album el el mas5ara deh...wala "E3tezry"....mesh kalam yet2al fe song ya3ny...

    But I still like some of his songs...SOME...

  6. I strongly agree with Meshmesha, Rana, & Moonrise


    REALY HAPPY coz they are the first girls i see who hate him

    YAHOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. as u see all the girls love him and all the guys hate him

    4 me i hate Tamer Hosny as a bloody h**l

  8. i like some of his music

    an i dont look at none of the singers for what they did or how they are i go for the voice so i dont really hattte him but i dont really looove him like im not crazy about him.

    but amr diab now,hes the kingggg of music im listening to him rightttttt now.

  9. yes I do but I didnt like his last movie  

    it sux


  10. I hate Taamora as h**l :)

  11. I Love Love Love Him

    i love hm as an artist for sure as i don't know his personality

    but he is so cool , so romantic and he has a great voice

    @sweety : ana m3aki daiman

    @ All : why is there alot of Qs About Tamer Hosny ? You don't like him and it's ur openion so plz no bad words

  12. i agree with u Shordinger .....

    i hate Tamer Hosny

    I dunno why they call him (( The King of Generation )) ......

    For me, he is (( The King of of Failure art ))

  13. i feel the same as u do,and times 100 aswell!!!!

    my heart bleeds when some guy say that he's his role model..

    @egypty...bas mat2olsh artist :P

  14. i dont like Tamer Hosny

  15. I personally love his voice and his songs, I don't know him up close so I can't judge his character.

  16. he is an ugly product of our time !

    his voice cannot be distinguished at a distance .

    his looks cannot be distinguished from an ape .

    God's creation cannot be criticised , but his hair and his beard are his choice .

    i dont like him or hate him , he doesnt deserve any feelings from me .

  17. i feel sick every time i hear his name ..............HATEEEEEEEEEE HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

  18. I despise him! aren't you the guy who has an equation in quantum mechanics under his name?

  19. well i totally agree with ''tommy''

    i really don't like his new album ..i love his old songs&the only

    reiligous album he made:''al ganah fee bewtnah''[paradise in

    our homes]

  20. I don't hate him, and I don't like him either.. to me he's like any passing by person in the street (Nakera ya3ny)

  21. i really love some of his songs...... and actually i love his voice, he has a sweet sensitive voice......but lately, he's been singing really bad songs with very bad lyrics and low taste !

    and i've heard that his last clip (of the movie i think) is "disgusting" !!

    but as a human being.......i shall not judge him, he's still a young man like you & us guys, of course i don't like his actions or behaviour, but still i pray for him that "rabena yehdeeh"...he's lost in what he's sucked in !

  22. i know you hate him!

    look, i dont hate him or love him... i listens to his music and watched one of his movies.. he is not bad after all

    he is trying hard and he is talented, his voice is emotional..

    i dont like him when he plays "muscle man" and "super stars work like invading the theater with his car and stuff"

    BTW i was in a concert in Ahly club in sham el neseem last year, he was in it, he came 1 and 1/2 hours late, but he rocks !!

    really i enjoyed it..

    its a matter of taste,.... "all young girls really LOVE him to the extend that they cry when see him!"

    @ Edit:

    i hate it when people in the media compairs him to Amr Diab.. for God sake!!

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