
Eh, Europeans, Obama is NOT president yet, and have you even heard of a guy called John Mccain?

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I’m a John McCain supporter here in Britain, but it seems to me, the majority of you don’t even know what I’m on about, because you’ve probably not even heard of his name. I’ve been reading newspapers and have even heard on TV that “Obama will be the next president.” wuw, hang on a minute, he’s not president, there’s a thing called a presidential candidate race, that he’s in. The amount of pictures and airtime dedicated to Obama is really unfair, when compared to John McCain’s coverage.

I have the greatest respect for Obama, and if he did become president, it’s just yet more proof of why America is a fantastic place where there people of all colours can become leaders. But, it’s become like a one horse race.

I think what I’m trying to say is, he’s not president yet, stop referring to him as it!

Lets be fair people.

What do you think?

Please be respectful and mature.

Thankyou for your time.




  1. The real kicker is Europeans, for the most part, don't really understand what an Obama presidency would mean to them.  

    Obama's economic policy would be a complete disaster for the US ( economists already are saying this ), and with the way the global economy is tied together that will have some pretty negative drawbacks in Europe.

  2. One of the greatest question i've seen on here.

    Yes i completely agree. The media usually tends to have a favourite party and their favourite party is the one that get supported the most. I didn't know about Mccain until Hillary dropped out. Well, let's see what happens, I hope Obama wins.

  3. i'm an american over here in the U.S. and we hear quite a bit about mcbush.  a lof of americans feel it's time for a change in the government.  and mcbush is for a bush repeat in policies. obviously, bush's ideas havent worked for us since our economy sucks, jobs keep disappearing daily, food and gas prices are getting ridiculously high. that's probably why you hear so much about obama. he could turn this country around for the better. if not, then you may hear more of mcbush's name in the sense we got it wrong once again, but i hope not.

  4. Well, they might have heard this about McCain also

    it's just him saying how he almost failed out of college.

  5. Europeans aren't stupid-they know Mccain is going to lose.

    Besides, they are interested in listening to what an American has to say. So there's no reason to listen to McCain or his supporters.

  6. Europeans were also rooting for John Kerry., Is that an omen?

  7. It is a one horse race and Sen. Obama will win by a landslide.  Sen. McCain represents the last gasp of a broken political party.  Obama represents a new future, McCain the toxic, criminal policies of the past 8 years.  It's over.  

    McCain bitched and moaned that Obama hadn't gone to Iraq. Then he goes and McCain b*****s that it's just a political stunt and that the press isn't paying attention to him.  McCain was riding around in a golf cart while Obama was in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Which story do you cover?

  8. It's kind of hard answering your question, being a supporter of Obama, if you really want McCain to be just as known, then maybe he should do the same as Obama. And people always calls the person they support the president, doesn't mean it's true.

  9. It's pretty hard to wait for the Bush Zero to get out of the White House so President Obama can move in.  We've been waiting 8 long, wasted years for this Bush Nightmare to be over.  So forgive us for referring to President Obama as the President.  

    Who's McCain?

  10. It's because the news media doesn't give as much airtime to Mccain as they do Obama.  I think sometimes the elections are rigged.

  11. Its simple, McCain has run before and there is nothing new about his ideas, his candidacy, his policies or his message.

    Hes a bore, a not too nice guy either with a bit of a potty mouth and anger management problems.

    Not conservative enough for the conservatives, and not reliably liberal to attract the independents.

    He also has the fact that he is the same party as Bush, and we'd on the whole rather vote for a trained monkey as vote for another Republican.  They haven't done a good job here.

    Blame the Republicans for knowing this and not giving us a better choice, I know they must have some who wouldn't run because things look so grim for them.

  12. I get what you are saying. Yes it seems like something is not right. Why is there no equal air time for candidates in  the media? Its beyond me.

    My opinion is both are politicians who gotten tons of campaign funding (aka sold out) so who ever is supplying the money would not surprise me if they gave it to both sides. If this is true then it will not matter who gets elected, they will do the same thing regardless for they would be obeying those who gave them the cash or least b ending to their will.

    And if you really believe in the idea of a shadow government or puppet master theory in US politics, then it may be very possible who ever is pulling strings rather have obama due to his his inexperience. McCain rather strong headed, which is not good if you want your own way. Who is easier to manipulate then an incompetent and have them take the fall?

    Then lets not mention due to all the unconstitutional power grabbing bush has done over the years, there are many Americans afraid of an October surprise or a canceled elections. DO a google search and see what I mean. If Obama gets in, a lot of afraid this will happen.

    If this is just a conspiracy nut theory or an rational fear by the electorate, who knows?

    All I can say it seems stuff going get very interesting this election. Stay tuned, and stay far, far away.

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