
Eh. Now what can I do?!?

by  |  earlier

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I was supposed to be getting a new room in the basement, for reasons I'd rather not share with my parents. My mom said that I can't have the room now because she said that it's going to take too long to clean. It's the ABSOLUTE only thing I was looking forward to. Now I'm SO mad, and my mom doesn't care! Its the ONLY way I'll ever get to spend REAL time with my guy. What the h**l can I do to make my parents let me have that room now?!

And, the window in my bedroom now is at a height where I can JUST about peek in, do you think it would be possible for someone who is 6'5'' to get through that window?




  1. why would u want to be having s*x in a house w/ ur family anyway?!!?!?

    if ur really that deperate then get a hobby!! besides for s*x!!!

  2. Oh good grief. If you're old enough to be having s*x, you're old enough to move out and pay your own bills. Sounds like the last thing you need is more privacy.

  3. have a good time

  4. Lol this is a funny question.

    Offer to clean up the basement yourself during the day (if your not in school and dont work) and offer to bring down all your stuff, maybe then she will go for it.

    Or maybe if there is a lawn chair outside have him stick it up to your window for an hour while hes there then put it back when he leaves.

    Im going to get a ton of thumbs down for answering like this.. helping you sneak your guy into the house.. But its answering your question so oh well. I was young once and had a boyfriend I would do anything to spend time with! (Lol ok so Im only 19 now... but Im married now haha)

    Good luck! ♥ dont make any mistakes

  5. Sounds like your mom clued into the fact why you REALLY wanted the basement room :-)   She cares -- but she cares about you, not about what you think you want this week.

    A 6'5" guy can probably get in that window -- but if you want to just spend real time with him, why not just watch TV in the family room? :=D

  6. So what are your goals in life to be a teenage mom!? Your Mom's spidey senses probably went off and she canceled the whole project because she knows you are heading for trouble. Unfortunately sounds like it maybe out her control. Your priorities seem really messed up. What do you want to be when you grow up?

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