
Ehem, this is kinda embarrassing but girls who have started your period help?

by  |  earlier

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I've had like discharge for atleast a year now and sometimes it is a lot sometimes a little but it seems like I have it everyday i mean it's normal color and smell, nothings wrong. i just want to know if this means I will be starting my period soon? Did this happen to you? HELP?!




  1. its possible you will.

  2. lol. You'll never know till you get it. I started all that discharge stuff when i was in fifth grade, and didnt get my period untill i was in seventh grade. it sucks, wear panty liners, and be glad you dont have your period, because its way WORSE.  

  3. you should be starting soon.  it is normal.  and you will have it for the rest of your life so get used to it.

  4. um...i think it should be happening anytime soon.  

  5. Yeah, you're pretty close to it. It happened to me and I just wore pantiliners. Good luck!

  6. I don't really remember that well if i got any discharge, but i think i probably did, its very normal to get this a few weeks, months, to a year before having your period. You'll start soon enough, you will want to go back to the days of not having periods when you start!

  7. yeah

    i think this is confidential information which simply means you shouldn't post this online.

  8. I started having discharge a couple of years before I started my period, so it may be soon, but it may also be a while. This varies depending on who you are. (I also started my period late, so chances are, you will begin your period very soon.)

    You said that it seems like you have it every day. That's probably because you do. Discharge is not an on again, off again thing like your period will be. It is constant, and you will have it every day for the rest of your life. Just use a panty-liner and you'll be OK.

    Oh, and I just want to warn you...when you start your period, tell your mom. Believe me, because I didn't, and I learned that it's a lot more embarrassing for her to find out another way than to just tell her!

  9. Yeah. when i was starting mine, I had discharge for about as long as you've had it or more. I remember asking my mom and she said it was normal. then a year later i started to get my period, so you're ok.  

  10. Yeppp. You should really soon.  

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