
Ehh, Help me with my life!???

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Well, i'm pretty much fed up tbh.

I'm 15, just moved so i've lost touch with all of my old mates.

I'm starting a new school in september. I'll be in year 11 (scary). I havnt got a job (which i want one to get money)!

Im so not confident. Im pretty mature for my age though. I want a bf but not one my age. I'm pretty much attracted to older guys.

So anyway, this new school, im fed up and cba to make new friends, although i'll need to.

I want to earn some money and move out and go to america. Pftt.

Help? My problems are bad, Can you top it?

Or anyway advice would be good :)





  1. Aw, i really sympathise with you. It must be horrible that you've been moved away from all your friends at a time like that.

    The best thing you can do, is try your hardest to make friends, because they're the people you'll be with for a while now.

    Also, try and focus on your studies, as i guess you'll be doing your GCSE's this year too? Make sure you don't get too hung up and forget about these.

    Don't forget about your old friends, but then again don't let missing them ruin the new life you can start

    Good luck x

  2. im 15 as well.

    i moved recently as well.

    i was fortunate enough to stay at the same school.

    i am not allowed to get a job.

    i like a 16 y/o guy.

    come off it, other ppl have alota problems way bigger than this. like smoking, drugs, suicidal friends, being pregnant, getting ppl pregnant.

    Trust me, i know, because that is alot of my life at the moment. smoking, drugs, drinking, suicidal friends, my mates getting ppl pregnant and then going off saying they want to marry the person when they are about 16 and their gf is 18. u have no problems....

    just write to your mates, email them, call them just stay in contact with them, that might help you. go out and meet other new ppl and make new friends...have fun. i have lived in two different countries, seven different houses been to five different schools and am still in contact with alot of my old friends.

  3. your problems aren't bad be grateful for what you have got

  4. First things first, ignore the answers that say "you don't have real problems, get over it". Ultimately, if you're feeling fed up with your situation, you're feeling fed up. Those kinds of answers help no-one. Admittedly, some people are in situations which seem worse than yours, but that alone won't make you feel better, and it would be impressive if that was all it took to improve your mood.

    What I would say is, and I hope you take my advice on this one, be patient. Your confidence will come. You will, sooner rather than later, have a job. If you really desperately wanted a boyfriend, I'm sure you could get one. But you don't need all of this just yet.

    I'm 21 now, and I didn't have such a good time being 15. I was probably struggling about the same as you are now. I tried growing up too quickly. If possible, enjoy the fact that you don't NEED a job and that you can wait for a guy who deserves you. You'll fit in at the new school before you know it - people adapt quite well to change, and in a year's time you'll be ready for your next challenge. You won't have to be bothered about making friends, it'll probably just happen.

    In time, if it's what you still want, then you will earn money and move to America. People have a knack of achieving what they want to achieve if they are nice to people along the way. If you continue to be a good person, then your confidence will improve. Gradually you will be surrounded by people who will admire your goodwill.

    Hope this wasn't too lengthy or preachy or anything. Good luck, I hope it all goes well.

  5. You're lucky.

    I'm 16 now. When I was 15, my mother chucked me out. I went to my dad's house and begged him to take me in, but he beat me up and broke my arm. I ended up in a hostel for a few weeks which was awful, honestly. I've also got Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. I'm starting a new school in september and with living on my own and my mental disorders it's going to be tough. I wish my only problem was that I didn't have a boyfriend...

    I don't really have any advice, other than to be happy with the life you've got, it doesn't sound too bad to me. Smile, things could be worse. X

    EDIT: By the way, I've always wanted to run away to America to escape all my problems... Maybe we could go together? ;D

  6. My snug ear piercing hurts and when I asked for help on how to fix it on this site nobody answered.  Ha.  Your problems are nothing.

    P.S. I'm going into grade 11, don't freak out you'll make friends; trust me even the freakiest person can find someone just as freaky as them in high school (not saying you're freaky but you get my point, high schools are big and at least ONE person is gonna hit it off with you if not plenty)

  7. You got 2 hands? Legs? A brain? Come on! You ain't GOT no problems! Just a normal teenage mood!

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