
Eight is enough? Do you want 4 more or do you want CHANGE?

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Eight is enough? Do you want 4 more or do you want CHANGE?





  2. I want change for the better

    Obama/Biden 08


  4. You do realize that "change" is not a destination, right? Change is something that happens irregardless...and it is possible to change for the worse. Obama doesn't have a monopoly on "change" and neither does he have a feasible plan.

  5. what type of change

    change for the worse


    only change left in my pockets after leaving the gas station

    uuuuummmm... Ill pass!

  6. You guys missed the question.

    See, Bill Clinton goes into a strip club and orders a lap dance. And then another one. And another. When the gal's shift is almost over, Bill slips her a  hundred dollar bill. And she says, Eight is enough? blah blah blah.

    The question is, who is the stripper and why is she so cheap?

    I think it's Hillary (cuz she nasty!), however, it could also be Paula Jones (who Bill tried to coerce into sucking his stick) or Kathleen Willey (who received a not so nice bereavement present from our then Commander in Chief) ...


    was it .... your favorite ... my favorite .... The Big Lewinsky.

  7. Barack Hussein Obama, the "Change" from a radical islamic extremist with racist preachers who doesn't salute or pledge allegiance to our flag?  You want change?  I want 4 years from a successful leader, a true hero, and a very good person.  

  8. I'm still waiting for "change" to be defined.  

  9. change can be defined by not voting for mcain

  10. "8 is enough" went off the air years ago.  

  11. Obama-Biden is the button I'm pushing.

  12. i want change... BIG TIME.

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