I have an eigh year old son. He is good for the most part, but talks back to me a lot. I'm firm with him and have rules, but he just disrespects me too much. The other night I was hooking up a came for him and I needed to upload a newer version. Well he went off saying I didn't know what I was doing and got so mad because I didn't give him control of it .. so he goes into a fit of rage saying "I hate you, you're the worse mom in the world, you don't know how to do it stupid" I was shocked. So, I put him in his room with no TV or lights and told him to go to bed that what he said really hurt me. The next morning he wakes up like nothing happened. Any body have a child talk to them this way.. what do you do? I don't want to spank him. All I can do is punish him.