
Eighth Grade Going To Nineth?

by  |  earlier

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I just finished grade 8 and now i'm going to grade 9. Grade 8 was litterly the worst year of my life because...

• My best friend moved to another city

• I switched schools

• I didn't have any friends. Like, zero. I have a really tuff time making friends. I'm like, really shy.

• No one liked me.

• All my teachers hated me. Yes, all of them and I don't know why.

How can I make sure this dosn't happen again? Or at least not all of it.





  1. well for the last 3 don't whine about your life to other people like you're doing here. because the harsh fact of it is people just don't care.

  2. If you are really shy, your teachers did not hate you.  If you were neither at the top nor the bottom of the class, the teachers probably didn't even notice you.

    Does the new school have orientation or camp for new students?  

    Change your attitude - decide that you are going to have a great year at school.  Only you can make this happen.  

    If you are shy, you will need a way of meeting people.  Join some of the activities which are available.  Are you sports oriented?  Are you a detail person?  Try out for the sport of your choice or join one or more of the clubs at school.  Is there Leadership, Key club, Debating Team, Newspaper reporter, yearbook, etc.  Choose the one that appeals to you.  Attend the meetings and talk to some of the other people who attend.  When part of a study or project group, contribute as much as you can so that they will want to be on the same group with you the next time.  Look for others who are also shy or reserved and approach them for friendship.  They will appreciate your effort as much as you would appreciate it if someone approached you with an invitation  

  3. just be yourself

    i'm shy too but you'll make friends

    try your best to meet new people:]

    and don't mess around with kids that are older than

    you cuz it gets annoying

  4. it's time to start all over. BE POSITIVE.  Be happy- go to school looking forward to it. DOn't be shy- talk to people in your classes. Ask questions, raise your hand, follow the teachers' rules (the only time I've seen teachers "hate" students is when students don't follow the rules or are disrespectful).  Smile, Laugh, joke with other students, offer to help them, ask for help.  like I said before- you can start all over and just do it in a positive way

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