
Einstein's theory explained?

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Hi could anyone be kind enough to explain Einstein's theory of relativity to me as simple as possible.

PS: I am aware that it had something to do with the if an object travels at a certain speed time will stop.




  1. Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter.

  2. You are asking for an entire course on special relativity, which I am not going to type out for you here. I suggest David Mermin's book, "Space Time and Relativity."

    Time does not stop at any speed. Moving clocks, however, keep slower time than stationary clocks. If you observe a person in a spaceship passing you by at nearly c, you observe all the clocks on that spaceship (including biological clocks, etc.) to run very slow. Conversely, since the pilot of that spaceship is at rest with respect to her clocks and it is you that is passing her at nearly c, she observes your clocks to run slow.

    Suffice it to say that the first two answers are complete bullshit.

  3. My friend, the Einstein´s Theory is only a theory. Practically nothing was proved about the time question. Actually even the question of the light velocity is being questioned.

    But according Einstein when you travel in a very high speed the time pass slowly than the time for other one stopped. Then, when a person that traveled during certain time at a high speed returns to the point of origin, the time for this man is different of the time for the people living in the point of origin of the trip. But all this is only a theory and nothing was ever proved.

    See this question: Returns to the man traveling at high speed and another stopped at the point of origin. According Einstein all position are relative, then you don´t have any absolute position. So, tell me: is the man traveling at high speed going far from the man stopped or is the man stopped going far from de man of high speed? It is impossible to define this because the two positions are not absolute.

    Well, study a lot!!!  

  4. The Theory of Relativity states that if a body travels with a velocity more than that of light then it will lose its existence and will be converted to energy. It also states that if the speed of light is matched by some other body then we will able to see the future. The equation given by Einstein was:

    e=mc2 (or square)

  5. Because everybody observes light at the same speed, no matter how fast they move, some wierd stuff happens.

    1) Lengths contract

    2) Times slow down

    3) Mass and energy are the same thing

    These effects are well-proven.

  6. The Special Theory of Relativity was published in 1905 and deals with (frames of reference) objects separating with constant high velocities (close to the speed of light). In this first theory, Einstein stated that the speed of light was the absolute limit for all velocities and furthermore all observers, what ever their motion, must measure the speed of light to be exactly the same. Finally, only mass-less objects may attain the speed of light. However, massive objects contract in their direction of motion, their clocks slow down relative to observer's clocks and they gain mass and thus inertia as they accelerate towards the speed of light.

    Einstein's theory of General Relativity (1915) is a cause and effect theory. The theory describes the fabric of space-time as a medium that may be distorted by the presence of mass and energy. From his earlier relativity theory, Einstein had related mass and energy in the famous equation: -

    E = mc²

    From this concept, he described the curvature or distortion of space-time as due to the total sum of mass-energy present within the region of distorted space. It is the curvature of space-time we call gravity. Thus, our planet follows the 'straightest' path or path of least action whilst it orbits the mutually curved space around the Sun. An object falling to earth, under the pull of gravity, is following the curvature of space in the region around the surface of the Earth. Einstein described the relationship between space-time curvature and the mass-energy causing it, in the tensor field equation: -

    G = 8πT

    Where 'G' is the Einstein tensor representing the 'gravity' or curvature of space-time and 'T' is the total energy tensor representing the mass-energy creating the gravitational curvature of the space-time.

    The theory, accurately predicts many features of the solar system, such as the peculiar motion of Mercury’s perihelion, and may be used to account for the gravitational physics of black holes and neutron stars. The extreme high pressure physics at the core of a star may be described using this theory. General relativity also predicted the Big Bang origin of the universe, although Einstein refused to accept the conclusion. He later claimed that this erroneous conclusion was his biggest blunder. Overall, after ninety-three years, General Relativity is still the best theory of gravity that we have!

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