
Einstein't theory...can you go back to the past?

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My step dad was talking to me and said something about Einstein theory of the past, and that we can live in the past, present or future..or something to that extent. Does anyone know about this?




  1. Einstein says you cannot travel back to the past.

    The faster an objects velocity, the slower that object perceives time.

    At the speed of light, time does not pass. If you were moving at the speed of light, you would not experience time.

    Only energy(not mass) may travel at the speed of light.

    It is scientifically impossible to travel faster than speed of light. Therefore, one is unable to travel backwards in time.

    Gravity will also affect the passage of time but once again it cannot make you travel backwards in time.

  2. You will always live in your own present, but  according to Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity, you will measure the passing of time differently than another person moving at a different speed. You will observe the clocks of people passing you at high speed (close to the speed of light) to tick more slowly than your clock, meaning that if a person went for a very long trip at close to the speed of light, they would, upon return, have aged much less than a person who stayed behind. This is a way to time-travel to the future, in a way.

    A similar effect happens in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity when you are outside of a very strong gravitational field. Clocks that are closer to a massive object will tick more slowly than clocks that are farther from a massive object.

    To travel to the past requires some very bizarre scenarios, but it is theoretically possible using Einstein's conceptions of the malleablity of space and time. All of the ways that have been described by physicists for how one might time-travel to the past involve very weird constructions including such concepts as wormholes and cosmic strings. It seems to be, however, that for every time machine that you would build to travel to the past, there is a limit to how far back in the past you can go: there seems to be a rule that you cannot travel back in time further than when your time machine was first built.

  3. no.................Einstein said that although he didn't think that time travel would be possible......he did believe that time viewing was absolutely possible.

  4. basically you couldnt go back into the past, but you could slow down time. When you go the constant speed of light (or close to it) time slows down and your matter will actually shorten. Basically it is how light travels through the universe.

                Just by the way you worded the question- people do live in the past, present and future- some people are constantly reliving memories of the past, and others are living carpe diem, and still others only worry about the future.

  5. we cannot go back to yesterday

  6. That is not quite how it works. Sorry. If we ever live in the past that won't be how.

    Einstein's theory was about relativity, a totally different concept.

    Still, we will probably be doing time travel soon enough.

  7. dont think so.I think we never ``back`` to ``Past World``.Cause,on fact,no one can back into past. Time is always go i think we never have a time. Time is a human made....we always life on the same conditions...cause human feel we life on time chase.And we will hear our mom say,``Wake up!! It`s 9 o`clock!!!``

  8. No I don't think that's a justified conclusion from Einstein's theory.

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