
Eire EU vote to be ignored, Is the EU an undemocratic corporate organisation run for the profit of the rich ?

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Eire EU vote to be ignored, Is the EU an undemocratic corporate organisation run for the profit of the rich ?




  1. Evidently, assuming what you said is true.

  2. We Europeans barely know what the European Union stand for and what purpose it is supposed to serve. How much power does the federal authorities in Brussels have over national governments and governments connected to the EEC? How is the European parliament composed and does it offer "checks and balances" to the EU-commission?

    All in all, I can't see the European Union as anything other than an attempt to resurrect the old Roman Empire and make Europe one country. And what is worse: we are being betrayed by the members of our own national assemblies, who does not wish to listen to the people when protests arise against laws forced upon us by the federal govt.

  3. My brother,welcome to the world of international government.

  4. The EU is on a dangerous path if it is going to ignore Ireland's vote.

    Overall though the EU has been a great success. Unfortunate that it is overextending itself and centralising more and more power. It should just be happy as a supranational union, not a federation of nations.

  5. Thank you for voting No to Lisbon. What did you expect from a bunch of Bolsheviks. You are getting screwed by Kyoto also. Al Gore has a bigger Carbon Footprint now after going green renovating his house. The Idea was to conserve and make a few coin in the process, and Big Al and his Europhiles show us that only Iceland can actually walk the walk, the rest are just jabbering. Ruling Class is the word you should use, and you need to spell out your definition of Rich because some rich are more equal than others in the EU. The Center Right is currently in power in much of Europe, however Europe is still operating from central planning point of view. That is the problem, yet you have an advantage, Independence. Make Ireland the home of profit in the EU, you have the talent and you can import it from across the pond.

    Erie is being noticed as a winner. Expand on it.

  6. Yes it is!

  7. Soon the long nightmare of the E U well be over It is an group of envious,weak ,greedy  nations I look at them as museum directors and that part of the world as one big museum kind of interesting but would not want to live there nor visit everyday

  8. If Ireland's vote is ignored I hope the Irish people stand up and take their country back. They did it before, I hope they do it again.

  9. For you Eire, ze war is over.

  10. I agree with the undemocratic, but I'd hardly say it was "corporate" or "run for the profit of the rich". Ignoring the Irish vote is a question of democracy, but I fail to see how ignoring it implies your other two criticisms.

  11. I don't think the EU ignoring Ireland's no vote is democratic.The EU want to push ahead with the Lisbon Treaty,despite the fact it can't come into action unless all countries ratify it.

    If you ask me the powerful members of the EU such as France and Germany just want to make the EU less democratic and more like an "empire".

    I really didn't like the sound of having an EU president,that to me sounded like a bad idea.

    The EU has gone a small bit too far this time,they have enough power as it is and it should remain the way it is.

  12. If the EU have ignored Eires no vote, then that is undemocratic.

    In my opinion it all boils down to what your nation has to offer those in power. Gordon Brown knew that Britain would say no, so thats why he refused us a referendum we had been promised.

    As for Tony Blair giving up as PM, that was just a smokescreen to cover the fact he,s being groomed as the EUs first president - leader - whatever they,re going to call it.

  13. i don't think many could argue with this one.

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