
El Grande Board Game, need a little help.?

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I am writing my own version of the "El Grande" board game, but I don't have this game and so need 2 find out information about it online. I have found pictures of the board, maps, etc. I have drawn my own graphics, no problems there. However I have been unable 2 find out exactly what is on the power cards or the Action cards or the region cards. I will be able 2 redraw these things if someone can just give me a list of the details and instructions on each of these cards. I know the power cards have a number on them, and a number refuring to the number of Caballeros to recruit, but as I understand it the action cards have special actions or powers on them, and I have been unable 2 find a list of these actions anywhere despite visiting many websites. 10 points go 2 the first person who either provides me with the instructions on the cards, or they give me a website where I can find this information. I will also give credit 2 the person concerned with a mention of them in the final progam




  1. Check out  Lots of info about El Grande!


    English language action cards:

    English rules with card images:

    Those two files should have what you need.

    Alternatively, buy yourself a copy to work from (I assume you are making a computer version).  Check out  Only about $40 - well worth it for this fantastic game.

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