
Elaborate on the importance of education in your life.?

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Elaborate on the importance of education in your life.?




  1. Where can I begin?  My whole life revolves around what I learn and what I do with it.  For one thing, I teach.  As a parent, I have taught my own children and passed on what I know of life to them.  I aim to learn something new every day. I love to learn and love to pass on that passion to others.

  2. Just today I was reminded of one of the many benefits of my education. I work with a woman who is very, very emotional. Everything she hears or sees, she responds to emotively and of course without getting any information or verifying her sources. She is a huge gossip and repeats everything with her own prejudicial opinions. She never finished 8th grade.

    I might be just like that, as we had similar upbringings, except I did take several math and science classes in H.S and later in college. There I was exposed to analytical thinking and scientific methodology. Later I took ethics, philosophy and psychology which also helped me to understand others and to separate my feelings from logic. When she relates these long-winded stories about what someone did to her, I tend not to react, as I am thinking, many of her opinions lack data, her rationales are illogical or she is relying on superstition/ coincidence or just plain fantasy!

    I am glad I am able, at least most of the time, to analyze things carefully and not jump to so many conclusions. I think I have less stress than she, because I don't let things get to me like she does.

  3. If peopel are wise, they spend their entie lives learning and teaching others.  In my opinion, when I have nothing left to learn nor teach, I might as well be dead.

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