
Elbow strike question.?

by  |  earlier

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when you elbow do you prefer to hit above the eyebrow or the lower parts of the face.




  1. The eyes are the best but the problem is usually most people protect those the best, leaving the forhead exposed for easy strikes, on the ground is easiest. Although it's thick and won't affect their performance right away, it cuts easy and the blood flowing down their face often demoralizes and partially blinds your enemy which make your strikes land without much effort. Just be sure to recoil your elbow back or even a novice grappler can snatch up your arm and turn it into a nasty injury or choke you out with it.

  2. Great question!!

    I feel this is a question of effectiveness vs. theory.

    Striking above the eyebrow has a higher chance or breaking open the flesh and causing bleeding, but with less actual "pain".  In a tournament this has a better long term play IMO.

    Striking below the eye causes more swelling and more pain in addition to potentially reducing the opponents scope of vision.

    To me, I think this is a better option because it adds a psychological element to the mix because the fighter becomes concerned with the swelling, the pain and his vision

  3. Right in the nose.  Don't hit to the mouth because teeth are no fun to pick out of your forearm.

    Not so much above the eyebrow, though the elbow is pretty freakin' tough.  Still, I've chipped the bone there and it's a pain in the ***.  To this day if I strike something hard with my right elbow it swells up like crazy because I chipped the bone there years ago.  I don't know what's up with that but that is what happens.

  4. That is a very precise question, unfortunately elbowing an opponent that is actually fighting back is not.  But, above the eyebrow is the eyesocket ridge which can cause the skin to tear if it is hit hard enough which can make for a fight stoppage for fear of blood getting into the eye.  In a street fight i doubt seriously you will have time to be so focused as to where to place the strike.  Just hope you land a clean one lol.

  5. elbow on your eye seems like very painful but effective, i don't know it is regal or not

  6. Eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, temple as long as your angle is precise. If you try to hit above the eyebrows, there's a possibility that you'll break/chip your elbow area.

  7. The elbow landing solid isn't the trick.  It's the grazing elbow that does the most damage no mater where it lands.  Why you want to try it in the neighborhood or something?  good luck with that.

  8. The forehead is a thick bone, you'll do much more damage to the lower parts of the face.

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