
Elder Scrolls Online gets dungeons, Bungie denies E3’ Destiny – Video Game News

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The upcoming Elder Scrolls based MMO will feature EverQuest-like dungeons and Bungie confirm that they will not be announcing anything relating to their upcoming shooter at E3 this year.
Starting things off in the world of MMO news and things seem to be heating up on the details front of the upcoming Elder Scrolls title. Set to rival the likes of EverQuest, World of Warcraft, EVE Online and other prominent MMO titles, is Elder Scrolls Online.
The game is set to take the popular single-player RPG and make it an online phenomenon. The latest feature revealed and set to be a part of the game is the fact that it is bring the ‘dungeons’, which were a huge feature in the EverQuest games an integral
part of the Elder Scrolls Online.
Matt Firor, the game director, explained that the dungeons feature had not been used since the early days of EverQuest and the studio were looking to address that and hoped that it would work in their favour.
He said, "If anybody's played MMOGs for a long time, they'll know that the very first generation had public dungeons.” Before continuing, "Public dungeons were my favourite thing about EverQuest, in fact, and I can't think of an MMOG since then that's had
For those who do not know what a dungeon is, Mr. Firor was on hand to give a brief description on what the latest generation of gamers could expect. He said, "They're basically a space that's designed for people who are not grouped together to go into to
Whether or not the generation gap will show or whether the generation gap will prevail remains to be seen, although that should be cleared up when the game is released sometime next year.
As for Bungie and Activision’s upcoming action shooter series, Destiny, it seems that gamers will have to wait a little longer than expected as the studio has confirmed that no announcements relating to the game will be made at this year’s Electronic Entertainment
A statement on the developer’s official blog read:
"We're not going to be at E3 in any official capacity this year. Some of us will be there, lurking from booth to booth, but don't expect any announcements."
So much for that then.



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