
Elderly drivers????

by  |  earlier

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Ok This morning I was driving to work & I looked over & a car was trying to get over in my lane but our cars were side by side. I couldn't speed up or slow down because of the traffic. The car proceeded to get over (like they were pushing me out of the way) I slammed on my horn & looked over...It was an old lady. I felt really bad but then again I didn't. I understand that elderly people do tend to drive slow & I just pass them if I can or wait patiently. The lady this morning almost caused an accident & It had to be because she didn’t see me or something. How do you feel about very elderly people driving?




  1. Of course they want their freedom in driving. I've experienced this situation before. Good that they are driving to get themselves around but really bad for other drivers who have to avoid them. The senior citizens have to realise that when it is time to give up their driving privilege its time. They can always ask family members to give them a lift or something.

  2. I drive lorrys for a living. older people are abit slower with their reactions to situations on the road, but they do have a h**l of alot experience..dont under rate them...and thats how i feel.!!!  However my advice to you,is...  you could have slowed down if your speed was correct... and then anything behind you,if they had hit could claim,as they see that as careless driving for the person behind you would have been driving too fast to slow all i wanna say is """You drive your car correctly""" and then if anything goes wrong and happens you dont have to fear, the cost, the damage, or even the regret of taking a life .im only saying this as you sound like me 10 yrs old. you seem a good driver,you keep it that way x

  3. they make me crazy!!! i live in an area where there is a large community of older people and more than half should NOT be driving anymore!!! They cannot see well, hear well or react quickly enough to dangers in the road. Almost every day there is an issue with these drivers out here..cutting people off and driving slow, trying to make manuevers when they're light is red, braking suddenly because they realize they just passed their destination...i have on more than one occasion seen old people just sitting in the middle of an intersection stopped because they made an is the repsonsibility of the DMV to check these people when they get a certain age..or the family to report them to DMV when they know they're a danger on the many "passes" do they get for driving over people just because they thought the gas was the brake???

  4. they are no more dangerous than someone on a cell phone!!!  Leave them alone.....they pass the DL renewals and you probably arent going anywhere important anyway

  5. sometimes theyre a hazard. It depends on the person. They give me gray hair! lol

  6. I hate it!!!  But put yourself in their shoes, you will not want to give up your independence when you are elderly either.

  7. well i think that elderleys are supposed to drive although they go preety slow at times theyre still humans to me! but you have to have patience i think sometimes!
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