
Elective C-Section 1st Child and 38.6 weeks. ?

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Ok I am 38 weeks and I am thinking about asking for an elective c-section. One of my reason is because, when I was 8 I had surgery for HPV Condyloma where they used a laser to remove the warts. My mom stated that the doctor thought I would never be able to have kids due to the dmg to my cervix. The 2nd reason is due to the fact I keep having panic attaches. Never had them before I was pregnant but have had 4 in the last week. Any advise. Is it the mothers choice on how she would like to give birth? Please dont tell me the pros and cons of the c-section I already know the risk and recovery time. Thanks




  1. I think it is depending on the doctor.  I don't think you can just go have a Csection if there isn't a medical reason that puts you and your baby at risk.  As you know there are more risks to a Csection that to natural delivery.  I have had an anxiety disorder sinse I was 12.  And if you have a Csection, I think it's worse on the anxiety.  You are wide awake durring a csection...and it is very uncomfortable.  But, if you feel this would make you feel more comfortable, then discuss it with your OB.  Good luck!

  2. If you want to have a Csection, then go ahead and ask your doctor. My first child was csection, my second a natural birth and then for my third I told my doctor I wanted a csection and he was fine with it.  I had a spinal block for my third and it was great, had no trouble breathing, didn't feel at all anxious, was able to cuddle my son straight away and my recovery time was much quicker than the hellish natural birth I had.  So just make the choice that is right for you after talking to your doctor.  Good luck with everything.

  3. Your doctor is very familiar with your cervix by now, and you already told him about the condyloma and the surgery.  If he were concerned about you needing a c-section, he probably would have already discussed it with you and maybe even scheduled it already.

    Yes, you can ask him to do an elective c-section.  But he's the professional, and he is allowed to tell you no, he won't do one.  Please do keep that in mind.  There may be other health issues that make you a poor candidate for a c-section.

    I didn't have panic attacks until I went into labor and called my ob-gyn group's answering service, only to find out that the ONE doctor in the group that I was uncomfortable with was the doctor on call.  This man upset me so much, by the time he had examined me the second time my labor had stopped.  And it didn't start again until he went off duty and the next doctor from the group came in.  But I do know what you mean about having panic attacks.  You're about to go through something MAJOR, and you have no control over it at all.  Your body is going to do what it wants to do.  That's enough to give anybody panic attacks.  You're normal.  It's okay.

    Good luck.  It's almost over.

  4. Usually the doctors decide on best way to proceed. I would definalty voice your concern and maybe the dr will agree with you.  

  5. When it is your first child, there has to be a reason for the insurance to cover an elective c-section. Ask your doctor if your insurance company would consider it medically-necessary. If the risk is very low, it may not be and if you do have the c-section, it would have to be paid out of pocket. I know that my insurance will not cover an elective c-section for a first time mother and I also know that doctors advise against it, unless there are risks or complications or previous matters that would serve it to be a need. So, the best thing to do is ask your doctor to see if it is even an option.

    Edit: since your doctor doesn't know about that, then when you let him know, be prepared for a delayed answer. He may need to consult with other people or see the records of the surgery. If your mom tells you what hospital it was done at, they can give you the records or fax them to your current doctor.

  6. I think that if you want  have a c-section, it sounds like you have good reason too.  Your not just one of those moms that don't want to get all stretched out.  Anyway, you do have a say in your birthing plan and as long as your doctor knows your reasoning then I'm sure they wouldn't protest it.  Good Luck and Congrats!

  7. If you already know the cons of c-sections, why are you even considering it?

    Something else you should be aware of if you are prone to panic attacks..... having your arms tied down for surgery AND not being able to feel yourself breathe due to the anesthesia is a pretty good way to throw yourself into a panic attack.

  8. It really depends on your doctor.  Some let the mothers choose how they want to deliver, others choose to only perform c-sections when there is a medical need for it.

  9. It's definitely something that you'll have to take up with your doctor. He may or may not agree to. But usually elective c sections are decided upon early on between patient and doctor-whether it's for medical or personal reasons.  

  10. No, it is usually the dr's decision, unless like you said, you have had previous problems, then they will likely take this into consideration, and if at all possible, do what will be most comfortable and safe for you and the baby.  Good luck.

  11. These days doctors tend to recommend C-Sections if they are worried about a difficult birth, due the fear of being sued. If your doctor knows your history and doesn't think you will have a problem then I would go with the vaginal birth. I have had 1 vaginal birth and 1 elective C-Section due to a breech baby. Why are you having panic attacks? Are you worried about the pain of childbirth? If so, then let me tell you that an epidural is a wonderful way to have a vaginal birth without the pain. I can't imagine that I would ever have another baby without an epidural. Good Luck.

    BTW I didn't have my arms tied down whilst having a C-Section!?

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