
Electra bike. help!?

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I am in LOVE with the electra gypsy bike! It costs like 530 dollars!!!!!!!! I am working at my dad and I already have 200 so I know I can make enough. But my mom says it's ridiculous! I know it is but my dad also says it's my money that I earned. I love to bike ride and even though it's crazy expensive, it's my dream bike and I'm only going to be a kid once. After all my mom has a louis vaton suite case that was expensive but she's in love with it! I know it's a once in a life time oppurtunity. What should I do?




  1. The 3 speed makes the bike's use somewhat limiting..  Not to good for hilly terrain.

    May I suggest a different Electra cruiser, the 7D?  in blue

    In blue it looks cool.  enough money left over for a cool basket of your choosing.

    Or a small light blue ladies Giant suede?

    these are bikes with great reviews, comfortable, long term satisfaction, easy to ride, great values with a different0 look.

  2. I don't have an answer but to try hard to get the rest of the money for the bike - you won't regret it.

    $530 isn't very much for a bike, even though it may sound like it now. My 9 year old has a $450 bike and it never breaks and keeps him interested in the sport without getting frustrated riding a heavy walmart piece of junk. I will gladly upgrade him when he's ready - it's worth every penny. Tell your parents they are investing in your health and long love of cycling. They should be happy that you are dreaming about a nice bike rather than a big TV or video game or some other lousy couch potato item - see if that gets their attention.

    Electra's are great bikes - we have 2.

    Good luck.
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