We have a back field in our newly purchased thourobred farm that has good wooden fencing around it until you get to the densly wooded back areas, then its barbed wire fencing that is an absolute mess, its very low to the ground and extremly un-safe. I am concerned about a horse getting injured in it, espielly our young curious colts that I was planning to turn out in that field. The field is pretty large, about 13 acres. Me and my wife are considering putting electric fencing in front of the dangorous wire fencing, would this work? How would we get started? I am totally clueless as to how to start putting up electric fence. WHat measurements do I need? also, the wooden fencing hasa wire of elecrtis fence on the top rail, does this effect anything? Price range? And the area we need the electric fence is swampy in parts, is this okay? Thank you!!!