
Electric Guitar players

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Whats the most technical thing you can play?

How long have you been playing?




  1. The many hundreds of cords there are. I'm the bass player and one of the song writers in my band and I play guitar also but there are some cords that I know that my lead and rhythm guitar player can not play and it tics me off because they sound so good.  

  2. How do you mean technical? Most challenging? Scales?

    I guess buckethead/slash/satriani shredding songs and classical music are challenging. Ive been playing around 7-8 years.

  3. Probably 'Seasons in the Abyss' by Slayer

    I've been playing for about 16 years or so.

  4. i took my axe, sat down on my bed

    and i played that song, till my poor fingers bled...

    i stood up on the stage, cold alone and afraid

    if i didnt get it right, then we wouldnt get paid...tonight...

    Were all in different places, with different abilities and levels of expertise; will it do your self esteem any good to hear i can play jessica,(allman brothers) flawlessly with only two weeks practice... NO. ( i cant anyway, its just an example) but i play harmonica in a band.... our LG has been playing for about 10yrs, our rhythm, about 3yrs... and you just gotta practice, till you dont need to ask...  

  5. This song:

    It's hard because it has lots of time signature changes, tempo changes, lots of shred, multiple string tapping, all kinds of good stuff. Very hard song, and the easiest off of their new album :P. I'm working on other songs, but have yet to complete another full song.

    I've been playing for almost 3 years.

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